RBuster's Forum Posts

  • Thanks

  • Just one question: how do I remove the correct frame number when generating permutation. For example: I have 20 frames and the correct frame is the 5, how to make it not to be part of it?

  • So a possible solution would be for me to store the result of the first advancerandom in an array and then use it again for the buttons. Thanks.

  • You're right, advancerandom is much simpler, however, as I said, I'm already using it to display images of the exercises on the screen. Can't a conflict occur if I also use it for the buttons, since there is only one advancerandom object available?

  • Hi dop2000

    Thanks for replying.

    Isn't there a way to sort the frames for each button so that they are not repeated, with the exception of the correct frame, without using advancedrandom and without using so many existences? The buttons actually have 3 different animations, each with 20 frames.

  • I have 5 button instances with 20 frames containing icons. One of the icons is the correct one and I already know which frame it is, but I would like the other buttons to show different icons (different frames) with the exception of the correct one and not repeat themselves.

    I thought about first distributing the different frames to each button, without including the correct frame, and then selecting one of them to show the correct frame. This second part I know how to do. Does anyone have any idea how I can distribute the frames to the buttons without repeating and leaving out the correct frame?

    PS: I am already using Advanced Random for another part of the script

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  • Thank you very much! it worked like a charm.

  • Like this? Because this doesn't work. I still don't really understand how to combine events

  • "Distance" didn't solve the problem, because when I have a very long path and have to assign a high distance, this ends up interfering with other bases.

    I had already fixed the problem with some IDs. Everything is right. I believe your file has the same problem as mine, which is that other buttons that also control the same base can move objects that are far from them.

    I am sharing my file with this problem. Could you share yours so I can check?


  • Is it possible to know the direction of movement (left/right/up/down) of an object that moves using the MoveTo behavior? I wanto to use this information to specify the correct animation frame. Movingangle could be the answer, but I am not setting different angles for it.

    Thanks in advance.

  • I thought about defining a distance to prevent a button further away from activating the object's movement, but then another problem arises, which is that some paths may be longer, as in the case of diagonal paths, for example. Would there be a solution for this?

    Perhaps I could control the value of this distance through a global variable and that you define by a value of a variable on the buttons themselves and then delete the value of the global variable when the object arrived at the base.

  • Thanks for sending me a better thought out solution. Using the function in this case is much more effective. I also didn't know that it would be better to distribute the conditions between events instead of combining everything in one event.

    However, the same error still persists as in the previous solution. I am sending the screens below as an example:

    If I click on the button to the right of the initial blue one and then on the button that is diagonally, the blue object crosses the area without a path.

    To lower the red object to the next base, I can either click on the button that appears just below or on the other button that is to the right of the destination base.

    If I click on the button that is to the left of the target button, the object moves diagonally to the base that is on the far left

  • Any help please?