kirby's Forum Posts

  • Marvelous, I just recently found construct 2, and I think it's coming out great *-*

    Do you have an estimate for releasing the complete one? I have some projects and I want to know if I should wait for construct 2 to be finished ^^

    Thank you very much for your hard work!

  • I wish I can do that, but enemies should walk at different speeds, for example ;___; I'll do it your way, object per object, until I find a workaround xD

    Thank you very much! n.n

  • Cap is heavy, and my (stupid) internet will surely fail... let me try to tell you the problem just once before I go somewhere else to upload it, ok?

    I have 3 objects (and plan to be more) with different speeds and sprites. They are part of the Enemy family. I have another object called gas. When gas overlaps Enemy, Enemy's private variable psn goes to 1.

    I want the poison to be contagious, so when any Enemy (regardless of object/sprite) touches another Enemy (regardless of object/sprite).

    Your caps assume a sprite hits a family, so that won't work, since I would have to make 3 events, one for each sprite object, which can be fairly easy now, but not when I put like 15 enemies.

    That's why I have a if Enemy that has psn==1 overlaps Enemy, then Enemy psn=1. And the problem is, apparently it just changes the Enemy that already has psn==1.

    I'm sorry for not uploading the cap. I will try to make it in another new cap and upload it, thank you very much to everyone that is trying to help me ;___;

  • It happens the same thing that happened with the first cap, in the comparison, one is an object, the other is a family. In my game, both are the same family.

    PS: Beautiful cap, it doesn't solve my problem, but I'll keep it xDDD

  • Eh? o.o

  • Edit:

    Gah! it didn't work on mine, because in the comparison I need to evaluate if enemy psn is different from enemy psn, and apparently it just evaluates agains itself...

    I will try making them into two families just to see if it works, but I suppose it won't (I have many different enemy sprites, so that's why the object solution didn't work)

  • Thank you! Will try it !

  • I want to make an event that makes an uninfected family member get infected when it collides with an infected member of the same family.

    So I have something like:

    If Enemy psn == 1

    Enemy collides Enemy: Enemy psn = 1

    But apparently it just sets psn=1 for the already poisoned enemy... how can I solve this?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I like the idea, and it's easier with a friend xD... buuuuut... they move terribly slow. increase the speed of dangers instead of slowing the player down, I was so stressed when I went to pick up balls and then I had to come back to the middle area. Oh, and I went up a box to pick up some balls then I couldn't get off in anyway I tried xD

  • Oh yes, we had problems with the sounds ;___; they were assembled at like 2:30pm (Jam ended at 3 xD)...

    For anyone with this problem, the password is "1337". We're going to re-upload the game without bugs and with skips to title after passing the intro this weekend.


  • First of all, I wanna say thank you for creating one of the best 2D game editors I've ever seen and used.

    Just two-three weeks after we met construct, we used it for our game at GlobalGameJam. I think we did a good work (for having zero experience and only 48 hours), we'll continue the game since we're loving it xD

    Here it is:

  • I want to know how to make an effect like zoom over an static sprite (is like a cut-scene) I haven't found anything (maybe because I don't know what to search for xD). So let's say I have a 640x360 sprite and want it to grow 150%, but in like an animated way (not just appear big).

    I know it should be easy but I can't find it ;___;

  • OMFG! YESH!!!! xDDD thank you so very very very very much, I was in crisis, is just 5 days for GGJ and I'm kinda pressed being a team leader and stuff ;___;

    Be sure I'll donate when I have money (extreme poorness right now u.u)!

  • first I thought it was a bug in construct that it got slow on some collisions, but now that I look closely, my images get blurry every time I open them in the editor and save. So... I searched the forums and I found 2 topics relevant, one said something about making the sprites 2,4,8,16, etc pixels but that doesn't work. The other said it was his graphic card fault. I don't have the money to buy a new graphic card, so I hope it is something else.

    tl;dr, I open or create a sprite, and when I close the editor/save it gets blurry. If I open again, it gets even more blurry. Any ideas?


    Using construct 0.99.96 and having an Intel G41 IGP

  • First of all, I want to say hi to everyone! I downloaded Construct a week ago and I intend to use it for GGJ2011, problem is I seem I can't use it to its most yet...

    I'm trying to make a danmaku-like game, and for that I need three things that I don't know how to do.

    1- Have a game area (provided by a transparent png) that will not let the player sprite pass it, but I want it to pass just a part of the sprite underneath. I know I can just change the collision box, but then I will need to have 2 collision boxes, one for that and another, smaller, for hits.

    2- Make enemies fly under that area, but hit the player (I think I made this work, but just give me any ideas please).

    3- Make enemies move on a path, preferably drawing that path (or use another sprite as guide).

    Thanks in advance! n.n!