First of all, I want to say hi to everyone! I downloaded Construct a week ago and I intend to use it for GGJ2011, problem is I seem I can't use it to its most yet...
I'm trying to make a danmaku-like game, and for that I need three things that I don't know how to do.
1- Have a game area (provided by a transparent png) that will not let the player sprite pass it, but I want it to pass just a part of the sprite underneath. I know I can just change the collision box, but then I will need to have 2 collision boxes, one for that and another, smaller, for hits.
2- Make enemies fly under that area, but hit the player (I think I made this work, but just give me any ideas please).
3- Make enemies move on a path, preferably drawing that path (or use another sprite as guide).
Thanks in advance! n.n!