Cap is heavy, and my (stupid) internet will surely fail... let me try to tell you the problem just once before I go somewhere else to upload it, ok?
I have 3 objects (and plan to be more) with different speeds and sprites. They are part of the Enemy family. I have another object called gas. When gas overlaps Enemy, Enemy's private variable psn goes to 1.
I want the poison to be contagious, so when any Enemy (regardless of object/sprite) touches another Enemy (regardless of object/sprite).
Your caps assume a sprite hits a family, so that won't work, since I would have to make 3 events, one for each sprite object, which can be fairly easy now, but not when I put like 15 enemies.
That's why I have a if Enemy that has psn==1 overlaps Enemy, then Enemy psn=1. And the problem is, apparently it just changes the Enemy that already has psn==1.
I'm sorry for not uploading the cap. I will try to make it in another new cap and upload it, thank you very much to everyone that is trying to help me ;___;