Khalan's Forum Posts

  • I don't know if there's a more elegant way, but here's how I do it:

    Player instance variable : RPM_Count (0)

    Player instance variable : RPM (eg 480)

    System > Every tick >

    Mouse > Left button is down > add RPM * dt to RPM_Count

          > RPM_Count >= 60 > Fire bullet event and Set RPM_Count to 0

    Mouse > Left button released > Set RPM_Count to RPM (so that the gun is ready to fire immediately - may want to not include this for a cannon)

    Using an RPM of 480 results in a perfect 480 rounds per minute or 8 rounds a second regardless of FPS. If that's not clear let me know.

  • These two tutorials should be all you need:

    There are several methods listed that you can use to resize objects automatically or scale them, and automatically shift them to the proper position according to screen size.

    Unless like jimand asks do you mean something else?

    edit: converted urls to links

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Any particular reason you don't want to buy from Scirra? If it's a credit card problem, you can get debit or prepaid cards to pay for it. Otherwise I'm sure other arrangements could be worked out with Scirra.

  • Looks quite interesting, and congratulations on reaching your funding.

    It's great to see things like this and Spriter coming out; alongside Construct 2 making games has never been easier.

  • I believe it's because you're picking the closest AutoTurret to a monster for each Autoturret.

    Change both instances to Monsters > Pick nearest to (AutoTurret.X,AutoTurret.Y)

  • I think you can get rid of the Pick IID event for the StoneTower; I believe the system has already got the correct ID based on the mouse cursor.

  • On my system (i5 3750k) no individual core goes above 50% even when the game is chugging.

    But I've redone almost everything now when I'm familiar with the software so that it works more efficiently and uses about a third of the object amount. :)

    On this topic, I've been able to do some similar things. For example, I had a couple of hundred soldiers spawning bullets as they shoot, which then disappears and spawns a dust cloud when it gets to a certain range.

    I've changed it to be twice as efficient by adding the dust cloud sprite to the bullet sprite as a second frame in it's animation - once it reaches full range the bullet stops, the frame changes to the dust cloud, and I trigger the Fade and Sine(size) behaviours to start.

    Put simply, when possible instead of spawning objects, change existing object's animation frames to the new object. Half as many objects with exactly the same visual effect.

    This is probably similar to the sorts of things you've been able to do, but I thought it might give some other people some ideas.

    From my own experience lots of object creation and physics tend to slow the framerate the most. Tricks like I mentioned above help with object creation; it's worth lowering the physics iterations for better physics performance. Lowering it from 3 to 1 gave me no noticeable visual loss, and framerate went up by about 5 fps.

    I'd love to hear about other techniques people use to get around performance drops.

  • Thought this site might come in handy:

    It ranks hundreds of game development tools (engines, sound, art creation, sprite packs etc) by various categories.

    From the site:

    The complete list of Indie rated Game Design Tools is a list of all the tools that you need to create video games. Independant developers share experiences on the best tools and game engines available.

  • Construct can absolutely do everything you mentioned.

    As far as I'm aware, incomplete projects are usually because of a lack of time, assets or motivation rather than bugs.

  • Check this thread for free sprites:

    Personally I make my own using GraphicsGale or Photoshop (can use Gimp as a free alternative).

  • ***Requires Windows Vista or Windows 7 and NTFS formatted drives***

    I know of at least two other applications that do this, but I wanted to make my own using Construct.

    As you know, Steam does not allow you to install games to a separate location. This can be a problem if you run out of HDD space.

    What this program does is move your selected game to a selected location, and creates a junction link (similar to a shortcut) to that new location. This tricks Steam into believing that the game hasn't moved. This can free up HDD space while still allowing the games to be played through Steam. Alternatively you may wish to shift some games to a faster HDD for quicker loading/streaming, such as an SSD.

    I've done my best to make it robust, but please use at your own risk. The worst that should happen is that you might need to redownload a Steam game, so try it out with small games first.

    <img src="" border="0">

    Here's the application (1MB):

    Here's the cap if anyone's interested:

    Uses the CommandLine plugin by Linkman2004 and the Resource plugin by R0J0hound.

    Things I'd add/change if I knew how:

    - Show free drive space

    - Show directory size

  • Ah, I had tried something similar but I must have gotten the syntax wrong. Thanks very much for your help, it works great now.

  • Here's the cap:

    It also requires the following file in the same directory to run:

    I wrote this little program for myself to move my selected steam games to a new location and automatically create a junction link to that location in the steam directory (in order to make more space on my Steam drive). It works fine if there are no spaces in the path names. If there is a space, it cuts everything off after it in the argument that's passed to the bat file.

    Eg. These are two arguments that are passed via CommandLine as:

    global('CurrentSteamPath') &" "& global('CurrentLinkPath'):

    1st path: E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Deus Ex

    2nd path: L:\SteamVault

    If I print the two globals they show the full correct path. However when the batch file executes it creates a junctioned link between:

    E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Deus and L:\SteamVault\Ex, when it should be between:

    E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Deus Ex and L:\SteamVault\Deus Ex.

    These are the contents of the bat file:

    echo off

    mklink /J "%1" "%2"


    Thanks for the help!

  • Execute file - Allows you to execute an external program and supply it a set of command line arguments. Arguments are separated using Microsoft Windows standards.

    What do I actually use for the separator?

    Eg. what do I replace separator with in the following expression:

    global('CurrentPath') separator global('CurrentNewPath')

    I am executing a batch file and passing the globals as two arguments, as %1 and %2. It works fine using & as a separator if there are no spaces in the path names, but truncates to the first space where they exist.

    Thanks for any help.

  • Here's an example of a lighter area:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Added schools of fish in the background.

    Also improved the lighting a bit, this is a deep area:

    <img src="" border="0" />