Khalan's Forum Posts

  • C2 has no problem playing many sounds at once.

    Try preloading the audio and see if that helps.

    If you don't overlap, they won't be in sync with the game if enemies are dying at the same time, but if you don't want overlap, just stop or fade the previous sound before triggering a new sound. You can assign tags to the audio to make this easier.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Purchased today, it's a great price.

  • Here's the info felixsg:

    It's $25 at the moment and is estimated to be released in December or January.

    Just watched the recent changes video, and it's looking awesome Lucid! It's come a long way since the first demonstration.

  • Great plugin!

    Trouble is when the goal is more than about 15 blocks away it won't find a path to it in a straight line.

    Here's my settings:

    Layout size 1024 x 600

    Astar cell size 32

    Astar grid width 256

    Astar grid height 256

    Object size 32

    If I make the goal close to the start, and build a path to one end of the layout that loops back to the goal, it will work.

    eg. [li]----------------|
        [!]----------------| works.

    If it's a straight line from one end to the other, it won't find a path unless the goal is less than ~15 squares away.

    eg. [li]-----------------[!] = no path.

    It's like the Astar algorithm only includes goals within about ~15 squares and no more.

    Any idea why this might be happening?

  • It's not exactly confirmed as your topic title would suggest.

  • That's better, peaks at 5200 bullets for me now on Chrome 21. On Firefox 14 it actually equals Chrome - it may be because the FPS detection on Firefox seems a little fuzzier than Chrome. I get 2300 bunnies with Firefox.

    Chrome 21:

    5200 bunnies, 5200 bullets

    Firefox 14:

    2300 bunnies, 5200 bullets

    IE 9:

    800 bunnies, 1000 bullets

  • Use the drop down menu to go to Preferences > Backup > Backup folders: you can save up to three different scheduled backup locations and set the frequency anywhere from 15 minutes to weekly.

    However from the Help link it says "Note: backups are only made when pressing the 'Save' button.", which would indicate that it's not actually automatic - it would seem that the point of scheduled backups would be that they would be automated...

    Full quote:

    "Backup folders (scheduled backup)

    To ensure your work is always safe, it's vital to also back up your project to off-site locations, or at least on a different computer or hard disk. (Backing up to a Dropbox folder is specifically recommended as a free and straightforward off-site backup.) To help you do this, Construct 2 can save your project to different folders at regular intervals. You can choose up to three backup folders and the time interval that backups should be made. Files are saved as single-file (.capx) projects with some random text appended to prevent two identically named files in different folders overwriting each other's backups (e.g. myfile-abc123.capx and myfile-def456.capx). Note: backups are only made when pressing the 'Save' button. Simply opening a project that somebody has sent you will not make a backup for it unless you modify it and click 'Save'."

    Can anyone clarify this?

  • Chrome 21:

    5202 bunnies, 1000 bullets

    (i5 4.5ghz)

  • Quote:


    You can also use a Personal license for commercial purposes, up to a limit of $5000. That means if you're an indie dev, you can make up to $5000 revenue from using Construct 2 (for example, by selling games or supporting them with adverts) before you need to get a Business license. Mind you, once you've made $5000, I don't think the Business license will be much of an obstacle!"

  • I usually use something like Ground, Entities, Effects, Sky/Atmosphere, HUD; plus another one or two miscellaneous ones if necessary.

  • Awesome news for indie devs.

  • Here's a few ideas:

    Have your Layout Main events grouped

    in Layout Start > Start of Layout > Set Layout Main group inactive

    in Layout Main > Start of Layout > Set Layout Main group active

    Have a global variable "Game_Started" set to 1 once you go to Layout Main; only start your spawns or main game events if Game_Started = 1

    If you are using Time Delta (which you should be if possible):

    in Layout Start > Start of Layout > Set time scale 0

    in Layout Main > Start of Layout > Set time scale 1

    I think setting groups of events to active / inactive is the easiest solution (groups can also be nested). Hope that helps.

  • I believe someone was working on a Mode7 plugin which might work for this - otherwise you could try skewing a sprite or making it via animation.