Kenthria's Forum Posts

  • I will try this effect out for my submarine game thanks!!

  • I want to use my xbox's vibrate function, and use it with the scrollto shake for a more dynamic experience. Is there a way to do this please?

    It will be played through the nwjs .exe file and not in browser.

  • The pointer has 8 direction control (the yellow circle). The gun has its angle set towards it. In the UI it doesnt work, so the circle is on normal game layers. But I need it to be confined to the screen, and to not move when the player moves. basically to act like it is in the UI. Unless theres a way to have it on the UI layer and get the angle to it properly?

    Thank you!

  • Works well thanks a lot

  • Yeah maybe test for overlap at offset with the wall tile - so you might need to check in a radius or each direction in a square.

    If offset is compared at say X + 1 (or even X+2) then move light to self.X-1

    Do this for each direction or use some trigonometry to calculate the radius

    That should work, I think!


    I will try this thanks! Will post how it goes.

  • How close do you have to get to the wall before it pushes through?

    Maybe you can extend the collision box for your character so you can't get super close... or move the light object "back" a couple of pixels?


    Pretty close. I use points that are invisible around the diver to detect the collisions (works for mining etc)- so i could have the collision points further from the diver- however it would give little room.

    How would I move the light object back a few pixels? On collisions with the wall?


  • I use the shadow light object to contain light inside the walls. The walls cast shadows so it stops the light. However due i think to the size of the SLO, if i push at the wall, the object pokes through the wall, meaning that the wall stops acting as an object with shadowcaster on it. See picture attached.

    Is there a way to stop this please? It looks really bad. Can i resize the SLO or put it on another layer or anything?

    Thank you, Kenthria

  • I have an underwater pixel art game, with lots of layers and lots of objects, it is currently partly open world, in that it is made up of over 100 different layouts that you move in and out, each of which is 1500 x 1500. I want to make exploration simpler, easier, but having the world put into one big layout.

    All I can think to do is to code (when player is within X distance of coords, create object on layer X). But that would likely be quite messy. Is there a better way of lag reducing a huge layout? I would of course turn off animations that arent in sight, as well as physics.

    Thank you for any help!

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  • Bump

  • On edge my preloaded sounds play immediately but on Chrome the whole game stops for a second. Is this preventable? The nwjs export does the same and this is the second game to have done it.

  • Okay but I did. I'm struggling to follow it and apply it to my situation.

  • Use imagepoints & containers...

    then pin them



    Containers would remove all objects in the container rather than select ones.

  • I have a rock image, quite large, under it are about 20 objects that are invisible but form the solid area of the rock. The rock is destructible in that you can blast or drill chunks from it. I want to randomly generate these rocks. Each rock is a different size, shape, and so the objects underneath that fill it are differently placed too.

    Is there any way to create a rock and the formation under it? And perhaps way to save objects (not layout or variables) and load them in positions?

    Thank you

  • As this was the post google took me too with a similar question- for anyone looking for this, look for the Persist behaviour.

  • I've just tried and it saves one layout. if you move to another and then return, the layout will return to default. It is possible I think... to make a save slot for every layout but global variables will be saved too so that'll create a huge mess.