Kenthria's Forum Posts

  • Sorry for my bad English, i speak Russian)

    I used another plugin for Google Play Services and Admob.

    If you want, i can send link to you with my guides and this plugin.

    Please yes, I fear this plugin no longer works.

  • Hello, so I've added the google play plugin, I have an event to call sign in, and another to check sign in has occurred. However sign in is never happening.

    Have a missed something to set up elsewhere? I export to Cordova. I have tested through Alpha testing on the store.

    Thank you, I'm happy to answer any questions that may help.

  • Fixed using for each AFTER the pick nearest, with the right sub-eventing.


  • AIM: To get the game to only pick the object, and tile, that is not on the "Lookout" layer when it picks the nearest object. Pieces should move tile by tile towards the opponent's closest piece (cardsnpieces).

    BACKGROUND: This is for building an AI opponent who will play on their side of the board. I have to make this work by an exhibition on Monday (along with other AI things like attacking which I haven't begun yet).

    I have tried:

    - Placing the layer condition under the pick nearest. This results in no pieces moving.

    - Placing the pick nearest on a sub-event. This results in pieces moving randomly.


    I don't understand how the forum adding images works.

  • hotspot would allow testing bypassing my router?

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • There is an issue with my router or wifi preventing me from previewing.

    Is there a way to preview by plugging my phone into my laptop?

  • Spiritlands is now out!

    One of the most ambitious Construct games, featuring over 3500 tiles and a multitude of mechanics!

    Not to mention over 33000 events haha.

    Spiritlands is a game of building and survival. Turn a single tent into a bustling network of towns and cities. Grow and fight to survive, and become the leader you dream to be with near endless possibilities.

  • One for Steam!

    Spiritlands is now out!

    One of the most ambitious Construct games, featuring over 3500 tiles and a multitude of mechanics!

    Not to mention over 33000 events haha.

  • You are right, i see now, list entries do not take consecutive space characters.

    Time to fall back on arrays.

    That's a shame. Thanks anyway.

  • Works perfectly fine. ... .capx?dl=0

    You used a different method to pick what is changed.

    The last event doesn't do anything sadly. Your capz has made me aware of another issue... while textboxes allow for 2 spaces- list entries don't.

  • Its a clever idea that looks nice. You see the lists near the top. When you create a settlement it adds to the list. Removing removes it. When you choose a settlement on the left and a different one on the right, it transfers the set number of resources from one to the other every x seconds.

    My issue is when you rename a settlement it updates the entry until you enter a space. Having a space is as far as i know unpreventable and fine when renaming a settlement (textbox)... but the list doesn't like it. Which is odd as i can enter entries in fine with a space but not when typing it out using the code below.

    Will other code work? It is basically losing the ability to find the entry once a space is added.

  • I kind of understand what you are saying.

    My saves are isolated and stored using local storage. But will using a dictionary mean i can use one array for multiple saves?

  • I've used arrays for saves, and for saving settings options. These are one array each and work game-wide.

    Within the saves however, a player in the game can create multiple settlements. What I wanted to do so the settlement count is endless and not create a tonne of global variables such as- Settlement10_WoodCount that might not be used- is use an array for that save.

    Is there a way to achieve this? I could pre-make an array for each save slot then clear then save over on every save game, and then have an extra array for unsaved, new games, and have a picker to saveslot for a game = 2 it would save to SettlementsArray2 (assuming that is possible).

    The saves use the Construct save game method- but I believe arrays get around that so having one array with stored values within each save would not work- otherwise the settings array would not be game-wide.

    But is there a better way to do this?

    Thank you.

  • I wish to start playing music from X seconds or minutes in. This would allow me to have 1 track for the game and not a track per season.


  • I'm having trouble with the "stop" event.

    I use it to try to stop the sound using the track's tag. However it doesn't actually stop it just goes quiet. Is this meant to happen? And can I stop the track another way?

    Another question I have is- if sound "forest" is stopping, and the game plays sound under tag "forest", does the new sound get caught in the fade out too?

    I'm working on blending tiles together so they dont apprubtly change including the same audio file restarts.
