Katala's Forum Posts

  • Don't know if this qualify as a remix.


  • pablolink23 On object clicked ->

    Text: Set text ""

    Text: Set Character_count to 0

  • pablolink23 Use mouse object:On object clicked

    And I could recommend some basic tutorials <img src="smileys/smiley20.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • pablolink23 Do you mean something like this. CapX

    Edit: Small update

  • Thanks I overlooked that Operators part. Have to start using these more.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • shinkan Thanks for improving that. I have bad habit of making simple thigs too complicated <img src="smileys/smiley9.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Can you explain how this works:

    self.state = 0 ? 1:0

    For example what does "?" do

    Could it be used for more complicated state systems. I'm sure it's already explained many times before just don't know what to search for.

  • RookieDev Time stamp prevents it executing both actions on same tick (game cycle) I find this usefull on many occasions. Maybe there is other ways of doing same thing but this is one I know. You could try disable "inv_sheet time_stamp < Time" and change order of events 3 and 4 to see what happens.

    Smoothness comes from lerp. I don't really know much of the math behind it but in this case it moves inv_sheet from it's current Y position to wanted position (Self.up and Self.Down) whit this lerp formula

    lerp(Self.Y, Self.down, dt/0.1)

    if you want to adjust the speed change that dt/0.1 part (dt=delta time)

    Self.up and Self.Down values are set in the first events.

    Edit: Actually it seems to work without "for each Inventory" condition in the first event.

  • Pic is from Queenstown New Zealand. Your signature is also true <img src="smileys/smiley11.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Feel free to ask.

  • RookieDev Simplest way is to put it where it should appear in qui layer (parallax 0,0) and just toggle inventory stuff on/off, visible/invisible.

    Or use something like this Example Capx

    Press enter to toggle.

    First time I made something like this whit C2 but seems to work ok.

    Don't know if someone made layout object for C2 that would be one way as well.

    EDIT: Over complicated for this task. Use later example instead.

  • Here is my test using physics behavior for platformer Capx

    A bit messy but there aren't so many events.

  • CannedEssence What about using string

    Array Set value at (0,0) to Sprite.X&"|"&Sprite.Y


    Set Sprite position at

    X= int(tokenat(Array.At(0,0), 0, "|"))

    Y= int(tokenat(Array.At(0,0), 1, "|"))

  • Also you could make pages or make system whit events that to only show what you need.

  • grimwolf, You could use: Every tick -> Set frame and scale

    I am planning to make system where it uses invisible Spriter animation and then set visible sprites on top of those and set position and angle from animation.

    Also if you are using animation for individual sprite you could make system that uses specific parts of one big animation.

    For example if one animation is using 7 frames and you organise those different parts something like animation order value means 0=meaty fist 1=giant claws. (0-based)

    Set frame -> hand.AnimationFrame+(animation_order.value*7)

                          \(this is Spriter animation sprite)

    Edit: Or maybe you don't have to bother whit that. Just but them on different animation on sprite :)

    Set frame -> hand.AnimationFrame

    This might be quite bad explanation but hopefully gives at least some ideas.

  • Also Load image from URL -> NodeWebkit.AppFolder&"images/image.png" works but only on exportet exe. On next version of Construct you can preview as node-webkit so maybe it works then.

    Edit: To be clear just create folder whit images to the application folder (win32).

  • You are probably right but as far as I know both are using Box2D so it should be quite the same thing.