Katala's Forum Posts

  • Would like to know if others are having these issues.

    First is the freezing issue. Like on

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    at 1:43. That is quite short but it can be longer and usually is about 4-6 sec.

    Second issue is with some Blend modes. If you download THIS example and you try it in browser (tested Firefox and Chrome) it works as intended, but on Node-webkit it doesn't work if WebGL is enabled just shows black. Should be that blue background with some white lines.

    Im using C2 version 168 64-bit

    Could these be bugs or something else.

    For anyone who's suffering from NWK freezes after exporting, try reverting back to 0.8.6, as it is working for us.



    Under downloads, Prebuilt binaries (v0.8.6 - Apr 18, 2014): win32

    Remove your game.exe, extract the file to your node-webkit exported project (replace remaining files ), and that's it! You can rename the exe file.

  • I just noticed you don't seem to have any freezing problems with node-webkit. My game freezes every now and then for few seconds, so I was thinking are you using native node-webkit or the old third party plugin.

    By the way stage 2 boss is insane <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> I mean that cave boss.

  • Sorry my explanation was't the best. I can't open your images but I took one from what I mean.

    Something like this

    <img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/104893773/C2%20examples/one%20direction%20shoot.png" border="0" />

  • Made an example. You could improve it further.

    Web Game


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  • There is two set animation action on when hit. Maybe you remove set animation to normal and instead make new condition when animation pain finished set animation to normal.

    Not sure but it seems changing animations on physics objects may cause some odd stuff to happen. Is collision polygon same on both animations.

  • Well one way would be to make variable "shootDirection" for the player and when pressin down set 90 etc. And then use or condition.

    when right pressed


    when down pressed


    when left pressed


    when up pressed


    Spawn bullet to player

    Set bullet angle to shootDirection

  • I also tried this for fun <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle">



  • Isometric RTS tank test


    move = left mouse

    insert wall = right mouse

    remove wall = middle mouse

    insert target = T (mouse

  • Isometric pathfind test


    w,a,s,d = move camera

    left mouse = move player

    right mouse = add wall

    middle mouse = remove wall

    It doesn't work quite as intended when there is no obstacles between (Only one node)

    And also going trough diagonal walls.

  • You could use line of sight behavior and set that to what ever is the distance. This would automatically prevent interacting trough walls if they are set to solid.

    Had LOS to object


    Or you could use System expression "distance" something like this

    Compare two values




  • ffman22 Sorry for late reply. Are you still having problems with that. I could look into it if you want.

  • RookieDev , Thanks. Player art is actually from Ninja Gaiden and walls from Castlevania 3 just to get some kind of NES type visual for now. I'm probably last person on this planet who doesn't own any Android device so not sure about that <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Have been thinking would it be interesting to turn StarTropics into an RPG with that grid based movement and maybe a bit Zeldaish <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    Also for some reason I always liked how Nox looked. That and tactical turn based combat, partly randomly generated world and party based RPG. Just a bit afraid that isometric character design with different items and all that.

    My current main project is somewhat Doom inspired.

    Also been working NES styled game prototype. TEST LEVEL




    space=restart room

    I also made one NES Castevania clone in the past I could maybe redo on C2.

    Also found this hqx video setting on Nestopia yesterday

    <img src="http://img473.imageshack.us/img473/1605/mario9rc.jpg" border="0">

    At least I find it rather interesting what it does.

    Edit: Oh! And X-com the original from 1994. Xenonauts is the best remake so far.

  • AndreasR, Is it necessary left and right side to be different objects.

    Now the problem is when colliding with left side it would pick that object but the right_platform is not specified so it picks them all.

    If they have to be separate objects one way would be to but only left edge to the map and create container and but right edge there. Then on start it creates right edge automatically and you could set condition for the right edge like this.

    On created -> Set position to left.Y and left.X+32(Tile width)

    Otherwise you could use same events. Object picking works now when they are on same container.

  • You can also toggle by using this:

    Set firemode -> 1-Firemode