Hello, I'm very new here and I apologize if a thread like this already exists but I couldn't find it.
What I am after is the player to only be able to switch to a different Layout upon pressing a button but ONLY when they are within a certain range of a sprite.
In this instance I want to enter a new layout which is a computer console with buttons and such but the player can only access the computer (switch layout)once they are close enough to it and press the interact button, in this case the space bar. I don't want the player using the computer even though they are on the other side of the map. A work around would be the player having a little tablet type thing that can access all the computers at the press of a button (something I can do) but I would really rather only being able to use the computer when they are within a certain distance.
I have searched the Googles and the forums but haven't been able to find anything, any help would be greatly appreciated.