Katala's Forum Posts

  • TwinTails, Thanks! That passing trough walls is because units wont recalculate their path finding when placing them. This is not feature of final game of course and wont be a problem. This would be a thing only when building structures.

    shinkan, I will look into that. Thanks!

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  • So a stress test with 200 units. Goal is to have something like 400 at least (total and not for one player). But for now this should be enough.

    It would be very much appreciated if you could post some experiences from this. Specially from older machines. I have Intel Core i5-3570K, GeForce GTX 560 Ti TOP, 8GB RAM and running on Windows 7 ultimate.

    On this machine using field of view and traffic control on 400 units FPS stays pretty much steady 60. Not so well on 500 or 600.

    I get best results on Node-Webkit and Chrome.

    UPDATE 2/21/2014

    Hopefully some performance improvements


    Left mouse = select

    Right mouse = move units

    Arrows and screen edge = move camera

    Middle mouse = add walls

    For debugging:

    F = toggle fog of far.

    T = toggle "traffic control" bit more realistic movement

    R = toggle animations. This was quite heavy performance hit before but it seems to be reasonable now.

    Q = toggle Fullscreen scaling quality

    Z = toggle Z order update

    WEB TEST https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/104893773/RTS%20test/RTS%20web2/index.html

    OR DOWNLOAD EXE https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/104893773/RTS%20test/RTS%20exe%20win32.zip

  • Animation preview:

    In the editor, it would be nice if I could cick a button which previews my animation in the editor.

    Prevents me from having to load my entire app to check the consistencie of the frames/origin points.

    I work with lots of images, so my projects tend to take a bit before loaded.

    If you right click your animation there is preview option.

  • shinkan, Thanks. I tested 16 but it was maybe a bit too few. Infantry should be ok with just 8. There would maybe be too many frames for any more. Just hopefully I don't have to start mirroring them then I would lose my shadows <img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • shinkan, Ok thank. I think I could just put them separate sprites.

    Here is one test I did a while ago.

    Isometric RTS tank test


    move = left mouse

    insert wall = right mouse

    remove wall = middle mouse

    insert target = T (mouse

  • shinkan, Main thing for me was basically that if there is one sprite with all animations or every separate unit sprite on the layout there would be basically no difference. The game should work even with every unit on the layout.

    That 30-40 is quite rough estimate. I was planning to do most of the units from 2-3 sprites. For example a tank would basically be turret and base both with only one animation to 31 directions.

  • Ashley, I was messing with the blend modes for the effect that the light draws over player but not the background.

    Is there another way to make that effect for Node-webkit.

  • shinkan, Nice Cannon fodder style game <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    lennaert, I usually like to have as few different sprites as possible. Maybe I could try to but them on same at first and if it causes any performance issues then make them individual.

  • Is there any difference really if I put all unit animations to same sprite or would it be better to make separate sprites memory wise?

    Or could it cause some other issues. I was thinking around 30-40 units.

  • I also made just very simple box falling experiment and it does the same thing.

  • Actually I forgot I am using version 161 but it should't open it then if you are using later version. If that even is the issue.

  • Wow that took longer than I thought.


    Also note that player collision polygon is 1 pixel inward.

  • Link to .capx file (required! If link is blocked remove the http and www parts):

    Zip containing CAPX and exe


    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Run exe

    2. Wait it to freeze for few seconds

    3. If not.. maybe something to do with my specs

    Observed result:

    Freezes randomly for few seconds when running

    Expected result:

    No freezing

    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: no (not relevant)

    Firefox: no (not relevant)

    Internet Explorer: not tested

    Operating system & service pack:

    Windows 7 Ultimate SP1

    Construct 2 version:

    161 (64-bit)

    Also if it helps here are some additional specs

    Intel Core i5 3570K (Ivy Bridge)

    GeForce GTX 560 Ti

    8 GB RAM

  • Ok thanks I have i5-3570K but I have GeForce. Even very basic Node-webkit games I export does this. Also some games other people made does this or at least VIKTOR and not sure if Insanity's Blade did that before but now I played until that stage 2 boss and didn't notice anything. Well maybe I could make bug report.

    Yes that is the same guy, but I mostly ment he is very hard <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> could't make any damage and he killed me with one laser hit.

  • I also made simple example where there is just a box with physics behavior falling down and it's then destoyed and spawns a new one. This is also doing the same thing.