justifun's Forum Posts

  • Do you have one instance of the object sitting on the layout to begin with before spawning the others?

    If so make sure you do a

    on start of layout - object destroy

    to clear all instances first.

    its probably just one of your original instances still on the layout

  • Here's some performance numbers

    Main computer (3.2 ghz with a geforce 970) - 75 instances of the raptor walk at 30fps

    On an amazon fire phone i was only able to get about 6 30 fps

    can't test my ipad air right now

  • I'd like to try it.

    Can the height of the bounce be changed over time? to simulate it losing power?

  • You can simply make a check of the screen resolution to see which is a bigger number

    if ViewportRight(0) > ViewportBottom(0), then you are playing in landscape

    if its the opposite you are playing in portrait.

    Then simply position your UI accordingly depending on which mode you are in.

    If you are holding your phone in portrait, then ViewportRight(0) will be smaller than ViewportBottom(0)

  • works fine for me!

  • "Picking" in construct is the term used for specifying which objects you are going to apply an action to.

    All of them, or specific ones etc.

    if you were to say:

    On start of layout -> Player destroy

    it would destroy all Players in the game

    but if you were to say

    on start of layout

    (sub event)

    Pick by evaluate, Player.name = "hero" -> Destory

    it would only destory the player who's instance variable "name" is "Hero"

    so with your overlapping example.

    First you need to determine which objects are overlapping

    Player on collision with another object (object 2)

    (sub event) pick Top/Bottom -> Actions

    Once the two objects overlap -> you use the "pick top/bottom" to pick which object specifically you want to do the actions to. Either the top or bottom object.

    On collision with another object is a form of picking a specific object

    just like "pick by evaluate", or pick nearest/farthest etc

  • please only make one thread per question, i answered it in your other thread

  • Unbelievable flyovergames!!!!!! this is the greatest day in the world! Donation sent!

  • Unbelievable games!!!!!! this is the greatest day in the world!

  • hehe, also, Colludium's reply post showed up before Prominent's post, even those the time is listed as an hour later.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • start a new project....

    make a text box object

    on start of layout - > set text1.text to "Height:" & ViewportBottom(0) & "Width:" & ViewportRight(0)

    they are found in the system section when adding an action.

    the (0) in each of them refer's to a specific layer you want lookup

  • C2 exports a version of your game wrapped in a version of chromium all packaged up in to an exe file for you.

    It functions and feels just like a native windows app.

  • On the main forum page that show's all of the topics for the forum it shows the name/date of the last user to post in the thread, however I've noticed on multiple occasions that its not accurate.

    Here's an example.


    It says the last poster was user Flyovergames Aug 6th

    However when you go to the last page of the thread:

    it shows User: Bilgekaan posted on Jul 24th

    So either Flyovergames didn't actually post and its just showing their name randomly, or its not displaying the last post from that user.

    I've seen this issue with multiple threads, including getting email "updates" to a subscribed thread, which when you go to that thread, doesn't exist.

  • Congratulations! That's a great way to solve the issue!

  • Assuming you are making your game fullscreen, then you can simply lookup the ViewportRight(0) and ViewportBottom(0) to determine the screen resolution. Then you can do some quick math to determine the screen ratio that the player is playing in.

    width/height = pixel ratio

    for example 1920x1080 = 1.78 = 16:9