justifun's Forum Posts

  • Sprite - On collision with another object

    (sub event) Sprite Pick top/bottom -> do action

    you can find the top/bottom choice in the very lower right of the "add event" window in the Zorder section

  • gamepad compare axis (gamepad 0, "left analogue stick", value < 0 )

    sub event Sprite.Name = "player1" -> (8 direction) simulate "Left" movement

    gamepad compare axis (gamepad 1, "left analogue stick", value < 0 )

    sub event Sprite.Name = "player2" -> (8 direction) simulate "Left" movement

    etc etc...

    So each gamepad has to get assigned its control inputs, then it applies them to each player

    therefore gamepad 0 is all associated to sprite "player 1" , and gamepad 1 is all associated with player 2 etc etc

    there's a fancier way of setting up reusable functions, but give that a go first.

  • - working fine for me after i double checking that i updated all of the files.

    rocky53204 - did you make sure to change the crowdgaming properties to your machines local IP address? that's usually why i get stuck on the connecting screen

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  • Ashley - adding onto this, it would be cool if in the image editor when you use the resize button, if there were a checkbox that would allow you to maintain aspect ratio when you change the value of the height/width of a image.

  • Here's the link to the plugin if anyone else is look int for it


  • - wow you are incredible thanks!!!!!

  • Hi - I found your rex_token plugin on your repository of plugins but couldn't find a discussion thread to go with it.

    I was wondering if you could add a feature to it, so that you could have it pick a random player (that is not yourself) as the next person in line to have their turn. This would only work if there were 3 or more players added to the list of course.


  • You can stack as many conditions as you want and all will need to be true before the associated action takes place. Also if you right click an event with two or more conditions you can pick " make OR event" if you want to do that instead.

  • On sprite touched - set sprite.variable =number

    The action will only take place with regards to the one you clicked

  • Question for you, What does this mean in the nodejs console

    Some of the lines specify just one broadcast to all players, eg: "Alert" as you can see in the example.

    Some of them have multiple broadcasted signals, like the last line.

    The issue i'm having is that, the last line for example, should be broadcasting the world "EventDeactivate", but it seems to be truncating the end of it. I tried shortening the broadcast word, but it still seems to drop a letter or two at the end.

    Any idea what's going on ? Is it trying to broadcast more then one thing at a time?

    Are the commands between each | line a seperate "action#" signal?


  • another way is to do

    create object at sprite.x+sprite.width

  • Can you make the spritefront the size you want it without having to scale it after the fact?

  • You can make a square sprite (your line) and change its origin point to the left.

    on touch start,

    pick nearest word to touch.x touch.y

    create object sprite at word.x, word.y

    set position to word.x word.y

    save that x and y value as touchstartX touchstartY

    while in drag - > set the width to distance(touchstartx, touchstartY, touch.x, touch.y)

    set sprite . angle = (touchstartx, touchstarty, touch.x, touch.y)

    this will make the box stretch and aim at whatever you are dragging to

    on touch end ,

    pick nearest object(eg: shoe)

    set sprite width to (word.x word.y, shoe.x, shoe.y)

    set angle to (word.x word.y, shoe.x, shoe.y)

    when you let go it will leave the line connecting the two items

  • There's a great plugin someone wrote called "Magicam" which would be great for what you are doing. check it out