justifun's Forum Posts

  • trigger when player gets to the hallway,

    subevent Every 1 second , add 1 to "hiding timer"

    on trigger that initiates the scrape sound -> play scrape sound

    subevent Every 1 second, add 1 to "hall timer"

    if halltimer = 7 and player.hiding = 0 and hiding timer < 3 -> do game over

    upon exiting the hallway, set hiding timer and hallway timer to 0

    also when they stop hiding, set the hiding timer to 0 as well

  • This is the easiest way

  • you want to create branches above the viewporttop(0)?

    if so then just do viewporttop(0) - 100 or whatever

  • Right click the event sheet and choose "Include event Sheet"

  • I'm not sure what its actually supposed to look like or do, but it seems to make a randomly generated map for me when i run it.

    what are you expecting it to do?

  • Yes.

  • Yes, In construct the term is "picking" an object. It is a way of specifying which particular object or objects you want to apply an action to.

    So in your case you would want to do

    On start of layout ->

    (sub event) System Pick by Evaluate -> Player.name = GlobalVariable -> apply actions

    you can "pick" the player by its instance variable "name" or its UID, or a alot of other ways as well.

  • You could also use the Litetween behavior

    on function "fade in"

    sprite set target value "opacity" 100

    sprite start litetween

    it will animate till it reaches 100 based on its property settings (eg: lerp, duration etc)

    litetween allows you to specify a "value" as well that be used for anything that needs to change over time.

    So you can say something like , set sprite.width to Sprite.LiteTween.Value to use in in circumstances beyond just the litetween basic properties as well

  • https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/726/sw ... hange-page

    there's a smoother sliding version in the provided capx as well

  • Noncentz705 - Sweet ! Thanks so much! I knew there had to be an easier way of finding it. Does this work if the computer is offline as well?

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  • Ashley - I'm all for an easier solution

  • This was a little tool i wrote for use with the crowdgaming plugin however it might be useful to someone else.

    If you need to get the local IP address of your computer running C2 for whatever reason in code

    This little tool in adds your local IP address to a txt file and stores it in the same location as where you ran it from.

    1) Copy the GetIP.exe file i've included and put it in the same folder as your exported NW.JS project .exe file (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/403350/LocalIP/GetIP.exe)

    Then checkout the capx i've included to see how to execute and read the IP into your project.

    Edit: Also, if you are Testing using NW.JS for previewing, put the GetIP.exe also in your C:\Program Files\NWjsForC2\win32 folder

    Capx: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/403350/LocalIP/WorkingMakeIPaddress.capx

  • There's some new progress on the "getting your local IP address" front

    Thanks to Noncentz705 in a different thread, a much simpler cleaner solution has been provided.

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/139 ... tIPc2.capx

    Old messy method:

    I made a tiny exe file that gets the local IP of your machine, then adds it to a txt file and stores it in the same location as where you ran it from.

    So. Copy the GetIP.exe file i've included and put it in the same folder as your exported NW.JS project .exe file (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/403350/LocalIP/GetIP.exe)

    Then checkout the capx i've included to see how to execute and read the IP into your project.

    Now you can tell the controller players which IP to connect to once the main game window starts!

    Edit: Also, if you are Testing using NW.JS for previewing, put the GetIP.exe also in your C:\Program Files\NWjsForC2\win32 folder

    Capx: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/403350/LocalIP/WorkingMakeIPaddress.capx

  • Phew! Glad it all worked out!

  • CJK - the overall idea was that i wanted to have different "waves" in the game, imagine space invaders.

    there would be an overall function or something else that would enable/disable which wave was active, so that i could either have a predetermined order of the incoming waves, or the option to do something like "activate wave (random 1,3)"

    so if there's a better way of doing it i'm all ears.

    Wave 2 and 3 are the same simply because i didnt fill out any more details of which monsters would be spawned in there etc. for the purpose of my question.

    But imagine this.....

    Wave 1 - Monsters spawn, wait a few seconds, then start playing some music, then when a few of them are killed a different type of monsters are spawned etc. and then perhaps after 100 are killed total WAVE 1 is disabled and WAVE 2 is enabled and executing a new series of spawns/music/etc etc

    Is there a simpler way to approach a wave after wave system like this?