justifun's Forum Posts

  • Very cool ! that will be awesome.

    Will it just assign the even's to one side, and the odd's to another?

  • I've been playing around with this program recently for making music, its easy and fun.


    pay what you want (or free)

  • The other option is to perhaps use something like spriter or spine for the characters perhaps?

    One image/atlast per character

  • While using this plugin, does the time that a user is occupying a CCU only occur while they are logging in or posting data? (eg: very short window)

    or once they log in, do they occupy a CCU for a set period of time?

  • according to the last post of the greenworks plugin thread, that issue of having to use the old version of NW seems to have been fixed.

    read the last post here:

  • I found that by editting the edittime.js file and un-commenting the following lines at the top

    | pf_position_aces

    | pf_size_aces

    | pf_angle_aces

    | pf_appearance_aces

    | pf_zorder_aces

    | pf_effects

    allows for more of the default construct actions to be functional again like setting sizes etc.

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  • Has anyone managed to get this to work with a NW.JS export?

  • flyovergames

    I noticed that when a spine plugin object is being created using the "Create object" action, that the initial size of the spine object is very small, and there is no "set size" action like a regular sprite object. Would be possible to add that in please?



  • Smileh - using a tool like Pyxeedit.com allows you to make the tiles much quicker and test tiles against each other faster etc. So it saves you time in the long run. Then you just export it as one big tilemap as you were thinking and import it into construct as a tilemap, and physically draw the map layout using the tilemap in construct.

  • [quote:189ye5h8]The SetAnim, SetPrevAnim and SetNextAnim functions do not modify the pose time. This is by design, so you can transition to the same point in an animation without popping to the beginning. For example, switching from walk to run.

    I don't quite understand this part. Is this for blending between animations over a time ?

    Or is it more like..... If you are 10 frames into a walk animation and the right foot is just touching the ground. Then you switch to a run animation where the foot down pose might also be at frame 10, then when you switch animations it will line up closes to the walk animation?

  • Problem Description

    When setting a sprite animation speed to a negative number to play backwards, the animation stops at frame 0 even if "loop" is set to YES for the animation.

    Attach a Capx


    Description of Capx

    Tap to make animation play backwards.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Step 1 Tap to make animation play backwards.

    Observed Result

    Animation stops playing at frame 0

    Expected Result

    Animation to keep playing in reverse

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)
    • FireFox: (YES)
    • Internet Explorer Edge: (YES)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 10 64bit

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • This is by far my most favorite tool. very affordable as well.


  • btw: i made a little spine logo for the plugin icon


  • Another little bug: When using "set next anim", or "set anim" it seems to start midway into the animation, instead of at the beginning of it.

  • Small bug found: When using the "set next skin" action at run time, it cycles to a blank one before wrapping around back to the first one again.

    try the goblins example file that was provided with spine.