jojoe's Forum Posts

  • Cool deal! I had a feeling Gabn was going to be our new overlord! Long live Gaben!

    My favorite part about all of this? I am not going to be forced into buying windows 8,9, or 10 for game development.

    I sure hope they leave it open so we can install Compiz and other desktop goodies. I much prefer to work on a Linux box.

  • This is the oddest thing.

    The file you provided works like a charm, but my test file still returns a different value. (node-webkti)

    just drop a steam URL shortcut on the node-webkit window to load up the text.

    I wonder if this is a bug?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Greetings fellow Blender user!

    You have very right to be proud of your work. My favorite is the Tunnel.

    If you would like to up your icons to the $60-100 range check out these little tweaks.

    DOF filter:

    Image based lighting:

    AO and Scene based lighting:

    With just a couple of tweaks you can make your renders ULTRA real.

    Be sure to stop by here if you ever want advice:

    In just a few weeks I learned more from the BA community than over a year of community college.

    Thanks for reminding me about Sketchup. I would like to give it another try. I hear they have really made a top notch application, and a Pro version.

    As far as hourly pricing is concerned, it all depends on your client. Seems like the ballpark is around 20-25$ hr for average skilled artist. $25-90$ for guys like Glen Southern.

    Here is a good place to find employment:

    Jobs range from simple GUI icons for school students, to large studios recruiting for huge productions.

  • I have been using a lot of WebGL shaders for my personal projects.

    My requests are mainly hacks to existing effects.

    Noise- Have a speed control. I am trying to add noise to a canvas snapshot and I am getting scan-refresh lines. It would be nice to have the noise Stop, or variate the speed.

    Emboss - Give a light source direction. Right now it defaults to the light being in the lower right corner of the image. This makes it completely useless for side scrolling games where the light source (eg, the sun) would be coming from above the game board.

    Blur- Combine horiz and vert blur into a single block. Make it so it is Horizontal, vertical, or BOTH. Trying to knock the high spots off an emboss is a real pain in the **** when you have to add 2 effect blocks every single time you want to do a "blur-all".

    Glow- Combine Horiz and Vert Glow so we add, and adjust BOTH at the same time.

    Render Normal map- with complete control over the RGB channels, so you can make Green up for Maya or Blue up for Blender materials. This one needs to be tileable as well.

    Render to color pallet- For making everything from CGA to early VGA games with a pallet. User supplies the pallet as a bitmap like NeoTextureEdit.


  • If you get a nice website, and a tech demo, sometimes crowd funding can pay off.

    You really need something to show them first though. Most of the Green Light games I am seeing on steam are the ones that have a nice presentation, and a semi-playable tech demo.

    I am going to go the Desura route for my first solo project. If it seems like a popular game during the alpha funding phase I am going to invest the $100 to submit to Greenlight.

    The way node-webkit is advertized to make cross platform games, should make a great splash in the Desura community. Most of the "Big" indie games I see there have *nix and sometimes Macintosh support.

    Windows-only games seem to get trolled and flamed more by the community.

    There are other ways too like panhandling your community with a "Donate" button, Kickstarter, and a few other community funding sites.

    i suggest funding yourself for the first little while. Then come out of nowhere with something "Eye-popping" and hopefully fun to play.

    People seem more likely to fund material things rather than concept art, promises, and dreams.

    This is going to be my first solo comercial game. So please take my advice as a grain of salt.

  • Yeah Thanks so much, Really nice of you to take the time and help people like this. <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Your example will help me out quite a bit. I can see now that I had the syntax totally wrong.

    The last expression you listed returned the exact same value to me. I am going to download the new C2 beta and look at your example as soon as I finish this clients application.

    Luckily I have a workaround for my task of launching Steam or any other game. I will simply have the user drag and drop the shortcuts onto the node-webkit window, and the application will make a copy of the shortcut in a scratch folder in the users /home or %Documents% folder.

    The kids are going to want to add custom images anyway for their icons, box art, and banners. There is no need for me to extract the icon or the Steam URL. I just thought it would look sharp if there was an icon or something in the box art placeholder right when they dragged and dropped the URL.

    As soon as I have some more time to learn the in's and outs of RegEx I will offer them a free update.

    This looks like a really powerful feature. I have always wondered how people made card and puzzle games.

    It will make me a better Linux and Unix administrator too. I have put off learning GREP and Emacs for way too long.

    Thanks again for leading me in the right direction , This is going to answer some life-long questions about non-shooter games.

  • Hey thanks DUTOIT!

    Great cheat sheet and tutorials!

    Here is what I came up with, It does not work though:


  • I think I am getting close. I tried this:


    And recieved :



    Is there any way I can saw the the "IDList" off the end? maybe tell it to stop at the new line somehow?

  • Hello,

    I am trying to grab some text from a Steam URL shortcut. The URL file looks like this:








    I tried to get the text like this:

    Set text => tokencount(Text.Text,4,"URL=")

    But no luck.

    How I can extract the URL on line 4 after the URL=?

    Thanks in advance :)

  • One of the (only) features I miss from Lightwave and the old Amiga Video toaster, is the incremental save system.

    If you have it enabled, the application will never overwrite a file on save. Rather it will save another version as "filename_Time_Date_re-vision number".

    This allowed me to focus on my task , rather than trying to remember the last version I saved, and typing out a new filename.

    I think a lot of people use SVN and Mercurial for this sort of thing. I would rather not have any versioning software installed, for such a trivial task as giving my file a unique save name.

    BTW Kudos on the backup system.

  • I should be getting one right before my Desura release.

    I feel like Scira has earned the money even if I have not made the $5000 yet.

    They have been really helpful and fast via Email, and the product is definitely commercial grade.

    The new DeBugger has made me really want to get some cash to Scira quick.

  • When I am playing internet radio with VLC media player this forum will not let me update my post.

    I get a not-connected to server warning right next to the reply box while I am using it.

    Not a big deal, only a minor irritation.

  • Sorry, English is not my first language.

    My point is , If you come to a wall, or a dead end do not give up. Try a different direction.

    If one browser is acting poorly in your opinion, file a bug report with them, or with the people behind HTML itself. With the exception of Microsoft, and Apple, you can talk directly to the developers responsible for the HTML5 side of things in popular browsers.

    I see people who have mastered the art of HTML5 game making, and are making money. Therefore I do not see it as a failure. I see games that are very complex, and very fun from newbie programmers like me.

    I see it as a bright new future. Especially for me, because now I can make the games I was dreaming of back in the 1970's and 1980's.

    Sorry if my posts seem abrasive or off-the-wall. I am not a native english speaker. And I am a grumpy old art/animation teacher.

    My opinions on art are over opinionated sometimes.

  • > So, you mean that playing a looped sample that only gets heard looped if used with one specific browser, while another just ignores the looping order, it is my fault that the second one doesn't support the HTML5 standard, and I therefore have to work on my approach?


    > That's a funny post!

    Part of game development is taking what one is provided, and making something "game like" with it.

    If one has found something that does not work, one needs need to first check one's own coding, then report bugs if They can not find any mistake.

    If there is no solution to the dilemma, then one need to put "playing looped sounds" on the list of "Things I should not do with HTML 5". Right next to "Make pancakes" and "Fly kits".

    As far as art mediums are concerned, Wikipedia dose not list frozen blood, but on another page claims an artist uses it as a medium:

    I think we need to contact the editor and let them know about this error, and ask them to add HTML5 to the list.

    <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • I'd be happy to take either approach, the issue gets more complicated when rooms have to be persistent, a player must be able to leave a room, re-enter and be in the same room. This is where my troubles start, but other issues include putting doors in the correct places and ensuring the amount of rooms is kept manageable

    For the doors, leave a breadcrumb with the X and Y value of the door you exit using the webStorage plugin. Then you can have code that generates unvisited rooms, and looks in the webstorage for the Key "DoorsXandY", and spawns an exit door in the new room in the appropriate place,