JLH1964's Forum Posts

  • I will just drop in my 2c.

    I released a C2 app on iOS with iAd banners, as that's all I could figure out at the time, using xCode/Ejecta/iAd. My average daily income with banners was 50c over the next few weeks. See first screenshot.

    Last Sunday with banners:


    I then figured out a process to use XDK/Admob (interstitial). The app went live this morning with the banners switched out for interstitial ads. As you can see there is quite a jump in revenue and the screenshot only shows a partial day as the updated app has only been live for 8 hours.

    Partial today with interstitials:


    So I would recommend that you switch to Admob interstitial ads. The difference in revenue will be dramatic for a successful apps such as the apps you guys are describing.

  • My pleasure

  • I have an old Mac to create the certs etc but I have heard of people using VMWare and a Mac OS image from a PC.

    Anyways, other than the certs, the following has worked for me on 5 iOS apps. As stated, apologies if this is already known:

    My problem was:

    xCode and Ejecta process was a pain and only supported banner ads. Ejecta export in XDK would not build for me as iOS. So I tried building an Android export to XDK as an iOS app in XDK. The preview sound did not work and neither did the builds sound on an actual iPhone.

    My fix:

    After playing around with multiple C2 exports to XDK the sound in my app suddenly worked! I retraced my steps and found this to be true (for me):

    1. From C2 (with admod plugin details for interstitial in place), export an Ejecta set of files to the waiting XDK 'www' folder.

    2. From C2 (with admod plugin details for interstitial in place), export an Android set of files to the same waiting XDK 'www' folder.

    3. From XDK, build the app as iOS.

    4. Test and run on a device.

    5. Sounds and Admob interstitial ads now work in an iOS build from XDK.

    It seems the buildable Android export overwrites Ejecta files but some Ejecta files are not overwritten and those files handle sound.

    Anyways, this may be known but this process worked great for me and I have successfully submitted apps (with interstitial) to iTunes Connect using it

    I was using the xCode/Ejecta method and that drove me crazy. Took longer than actually creating the app.

  • I have no doubt that ads are a good source of income. I just meant that it is not worth it in my game at the moment until I've found out the problem. I have plenty of friends making alot of money on ads.

    But something seems to be wrong with the cocoonjs admob plugin. Because I've made more money on the same app on android exported with crosswalk with only 250 impressions than I've made on iOS with 50 000 impressions

    I understand. I just feel your frustration as 99% of the challenge is creating an app that people are interested in and you have obviously done that. Ads should not be the problem.

    BTW - if your interested in an 'easy' but 'hacky' way to use XDK to create iOS apps with true Admob interstitial ads let me know. I'm reluctant to post it as it may be well known already and its no 'discovery'. I had an issue where I could export and create an app in XDK but no sound. I found a workaround that, for me, is way simpler than the Ejecta / xCode process.

    Let me know if you want detais.

  • I have around 50 000 impressions now with a bottom banner and it has generated about 3$ so I have turned off the ads now because it isn't worth it

    I respectfully disagree. When implemented correctly (Java / Eclipse), ad-revenue is a very real source of income. I offer the following screenshot to encourage people to keep trying to figure out where C2 is falling down with regards to ads.

    The screenshot is from income from the last year for the 'better paying' of my apps. None are C2. The screenshot is not intended to 'brag' but to show whats possible using AdMob for revenue.

    Also, my revenue is poor compared to many other Android devs and nothing to brag about.

    Why not try interstitial ads? My ad revenue climbed drastically when I switched away from banners (non C2).


  • Hi guys

    We are developing a business application and I have received a similar message from Google

    Also what confuses me a bit is that everyone is saying upgrade OpenSLL but on the build server (because we have one) there is no OpenSLL installed.

    So can anyone shed some light?

    This is a good point. Also, as previously stated, I built apps on two different machines and all my C2 apps were flagged for the SSL issue. So its not machine independent. i still think its an XDK issue.

    Im not so sure we fully understand the problem, but THANKS for the attempts.

  • You can use the canvas or paster plugin to achieve this kind of effect.

    Sorry for the 'dumb' question but, how do I install the plugin to C2? <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">


    NM - https://www.scirra.com/manual/69/plugins <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • I have no idea how the Intel XDK is working, but it maybe using files on your computer to assist in the build, so updating those helps. It maybe that when Intel XDK is updated this has the same effect as updating now with the links I have used.

    I have the same errors on C2 apps that were created on different machines. One was a brand new Windows 8.1 PC with all the updates. I think the problem lies in XDK itself.

    I just unpublished all my C2 apps from Google Play. IMHO its not worth taking a chance as they will ban your account. ;(

    We need a definitive fix.

  • I don't think Google is taking any action soon, but it's just my guess.

    I'm pretty new to Google Play so I'm not in the postion to give good advice about this, sorry ^_^'

    I'm not so sure. I've been on Google Play (GP) for quite some time now and Android forums are full of sob stories of GP 'banning' devs for far less offences (very minor copyrighted 'words' used in app descriptions for example). The problem is that once banned, its next to impossible to create a secondary account for GP as they track everything from your bank accnt payment details to the IP of the PC being used to create the apps.

    Another caveat is that if your Google Voice, Google Merchant or Google+, and those account are linked to the same banned account, everything is banned. There's next to no appeal process and GP is a faceless entity that really does what it wants.

    I would really appreciate knowledgeable feedback on this as my GP account earns me revenue that i would most definitely miss.

  • I just received threatening Google Play email also. Any advice as i certainly don't want my GP account banned.

  • JLH1964 What wrapper are you using for your C2 apps? XDK or Cocoonjs? And are they on Android or iOS?

    I'm using XDK and all apps are on Android - Google Play. it has to be more than a coincidence. Another trait i noticed is that the Android apps get steady revenue through the day whereas the C2 app hits a few cents and then sits there all day. its as a C2 app gets the first flush of revenue and then nothing for the rest of the day.

  • > 1.check your App ID

    > 2.Ad hoc provision file

    > 3. Make sure checked the Ad hoc option which is very small text


    > Exporting iOS on intelXDK needs only 3 of these. Im using HTML5 export for my iOS on Intel XDK, I tried Android exporting files but it was not good as HTML5. Some problems may encounter such as no audio and orientation, Alert at beginning, the game is not resume and suspend when minimize.


    > Resolving:Delete the alert command in index.html .Check Audio and Device plugin on the right side, and check out this link to fix Orientation . Put the resume and suspend commands in exported Android index.html to your index.html.


    > Thats all of my problems with iOS exporting. Hope this can help you.


    Hi I'm glad that it works for you.

    My ios orientation symptom is: though I specify landscape via Intel Xdk (such as 1) 'build settings: orientation' and 2) 'launch icons and splash screens: orientation'), I still get portrait on my ios device.

    Will your kind lead to 'Intel XDK Orientation Sample' resolve my situation? If so, can there be more explaination, since I'm a noob to patching code? (Interestingly enough, phonegap-build does honor my landscape choice.)

    Thx in advance. Jason

    Same here. Though i specify landscape in XDK, my iOS app wont go from portrait mode to landscape.

    Any ideas?


  • szymek Ok, I'm not anywhere near that kind of revenue and my ads are shown during the game over screen exactly like flappy bird for example and interstitials are shown every 10 times you die.

    I have another cocoonjs game with the same type of ads and that one has generated 10xtimes the revenue on only 1 500 impressions.

    i use the same process but show an ad after 5 events (reload etc). I have no idea why C2 games generate such low income for such a high amount of impressions. I have approx 10 C2 games on the markets and all of them are way down regarding the Admob impressions to revenue when compared to 'real' java code apps.

    Here is the last 7 days for some of my apps. Again, the highlighted yellow section is C2. I think this really shows the amount of revenue that is being left on the table.


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  • Anyone?

  • Hello all,

    I created an app and exported it as an iOS app using XDK. The app runs on my iPhone (adhoc) but the sound is not working.

    Any ideas?

    Thanks much.