JLH1964's Forum Posts

  • Hello all,

    I'm trying to find out if its possible to create one of those 'drinking' apps. The kind of app that looks like a glass liquid and you 'tilt' the phone as the liquid then appears to be moving as a tilted glass of liquid would.

    Is this possible and what kind of pieces/ physics should I be looking at?

    Thanks so much.

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  • Using Admob in C2 games is a doddle (easy). Use this excellent tutorial to get up and running in minutes:

    http://shatter-box.com/knowledgebase/ad ... creen-ads/

    Also, the google link you posted is for devs to actually code in the admob plugin to games written in code. C2 is an entirely different animal and much, much easier.

    Good luck. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    PS - You want see ads served if using the XDK emulator. Ads only serve on actual devices.

  • FYI - I have been successfully updating my apps and submitting new apps to google play using the 'beta' tag in the latest XDK build. No issues building or submitting new or old projects to Google Play.

    The SSL issue had nothing to do with updating SSL on your local machine - it was/is an XDK issue.

  • Hi all,

    i wonder if you could assist on the following. I have an iOS app that runs fine for approx 10 seconds on launch but then all the animations slow to a crawl. if i exit and return to the app, again all runs fine for 10 seconds or so.

    I'm not using any sprites that aren't destroyed etc.

    Any ideas?


  • Hi imafett,

    I hope so. Yes, you can submit apps fine at the moment. Im just concerned about Feb 1st and then updating my existing iOS apps.


  • Hello all,

    I'm currently (successfully) building iOS apps using XDK. However, as this screenshot states, as of Feb 1st, all new apps must support 64-bit.

    Is this something that C2 / XDK will be supporting or can be configured to do?



  • Maybe I misunderstood. I thought that's what you wanted because in your post you stated there is no file directory structure to search through and asked for ideas. david7457 and I both gave you valid ways of doing what you asked. If you don't really want ideas then please don't waste our time asking for them.

    Sir, no disrespect, but your suggestion is weak. To expect a user to create a ghost project just to view the filesize of a JPG or PNG is a suggestion but not a reasonable one.

    I'm not wasting anybody's time. Its a simple question; Is there a quick method to view the size (KBS or MBs etc) from C2 ?

  • The entire process takes 5-10 seconds.

    I know - but it shouldn't be necessary. Finding the size of a file should be as simple as a right-click-> properties. I shouldn't have to create dummy projects to check the size of one PNG or JPG file. Just my 2c.

  • Make a copy of your capx file. Then rename the file from whatever.capx to whatever.zip Unzip the file and you'll find your images. However, keep in mind that when you export your completed project those images will all be optimized by construct 2. (It's usually recommended that you don't optimize them yourself as it's an unnecessary step but of course it's up to you in the end)

    Thanks, but that seems overkill to simply find the size of a PNG that I am using.

  • Thanks bu it sounds like this most basic of features is missing

  • Hello all,

    I have created a project that seems to be larger in file size than it needs to be. I have a bunch of Sprites that are PNG files and a collection of audio files. I want to possibly reduce the projects file size by re-working some of the images to lower sized files. My question is:

    How do I find the file size (so that i can check their sizes) of the image or audio files that I am using? I saved the project as a single file (capx) and so there is no file directory structure to search through.

    Any ideas?

    Thanks all.

  • Nope

  • Alternatively:

    Export project from C2 as 'Ejecta' to 'www' folder of a blank XDK project.

    Export same project from C2 as 'Android' to same 'www' folder.

    Build as iOS app.

    This creates a valid iOS 'ipa' file that you can publish to the Apple store.

    The Xcode route is way too problematic IMHO.

    Good luck.

  • Alternatively:

    Export project from C2 as 'Ejecta' to 'www' folder of a blank XDK project.

    Export same project from C2 as 'Android' to same 'www' folder.

    Build as iOS app.

    This creates a valid iOS 'ipa' file that you can publish to the Apple store. I've successfully listed 5 apps on the Apple app store using this process.

    Good luck.

  • Yes it works. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    Everything can be done on the PC except generating certificates and App Store submissions. You could use VMWare + an OSX disk image to generate the certs etc.

    Ive not verified the following guide but its a similar process:

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