jeffige's Forum Posts

  • Create an instance variable for the block and set it to 2 or 4.

    Is it possible to add to that instance variable by the system picking a random number between 2 and 4? So it could be 2 hits, or 3, or 4?

  • or...

    Oh man thank you for that. I would have never thought of that.

    You just opened up a can of opportunities for me.

    Thank you again, ole wise one.

  • The spikes of the platform face down with the base on top. Right now i have the collision box only around the spikes. I'd like the player to step onto the top of the spike platform (the base) and be able to ride it up.

    Problem is because of the placement of the collision box the player falls through the base and dies when it touches the spikes.

    Do i have to insert the spikes and the base separately and then pin them for this to work properly?

    Thanks for any help.

  • In regards to the layers I have 5:

    4 Player

    3 Collectibles - appear after a crate is broken

    2 Platform Blocks - do nothing except i have 1 block that can be broken

    1 Traps - swinging spike balls, spears and spike platforms that move 90 degrees

    0 BG

    I thought i read a post talking about what to have and not have on each layer. Right now I have the blood animation on Layer 4 and the breakable(s) animation on Layer 3.

    Will this be okay, or should i move the animations to a different Layer?

    Thanks for any help and tips.

  • Thank you for the reply Xavier. Guess i'm finally gonna have to try and wrap my brain around instance variables.

  • I would like to make the player jump on a block more than once to break it. Right now it breaks if the player jumps once, but how can i create an event that makes the player jump a random amount of times (2 - 4) to break it?

    Thank you for any help.

  • Thank you so much, that was it exactly.

  • I installed the easetween behavior some time ago, now i may not need it, but how do i get rid of it? I deleted the behavior from the html folder and i can't see it anywhere else, but when i restart C2 it still shows in the behaviors.

  • I've been trying to create the movements with out the easetween. I thought i uninstalled it but it's still there in the behaviors.

    I've taken off the behavior - try this one:

    Also i think i may have gotten the affect i was after. It took a lot of editing the sprite.

  • I have a 16X16 'PivotBlock' that acts as an anchor to a 'SpikeBall' that has sine behavior. The PivotBlock's origin is at the topleft for 'snapping' purposes (it makes it easier to align with platform blocks) and the SpikeBall's origin is top.

    The spikeball moves perfectly except it appears connected at the top of the pivotblock not the center. I've tried adding an imagepoint and events to both but then the spikeball doesn't show up when i run the layout.

    Can someone give me some tips or point me in the right direction to accomplish the effect I'm after? Thank you for any help.

  • My laptop died due to my ignorance of not noticing low battery usage. When i plugged it in and tried opening my game it says file may be corrupt. I got the 'layout' to load but it doesn't have the 'events sheet'.

    How can i try to load the events sheet with the layout?

  • An event is formed by conditions (left side) and actions (right side).

    I've changed it for you so you can see for yourself. Also the "is falling" condition I mentioned before wasn't working properly and I've changed that to compare Y between the objects, so it will only destroy the box when you are top of it.

    Aha, Ok i see now. So the 'PlayerBox' is the object actually affected by collisions...etc... and the 'Player' is actually the 'VISUAL' of what happens to the PlayerBox?

    Also, thank you for the Y<sprite.Y I would have never figured that out. Most of the expressions i see in posts go over my head. I think some folks assume everyone has a higher knowledge of C2.

    Again, thank you so much.

  • You need to use the PlayerBox sprite on your conditions instead of the actual player.

    And for the box, add the platformer condition: is falling.

    When you say "conditions" is that under EVENT or ACTION? Sorry for the noob question, i've had C2 for over a year but still learning.

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  • So I'm moving ahead with my game slowly, but there are a few things with the collisions that I can't figure out.

    1) When the spikes are down the player can walk across them without dying.

    2) Top left crate: If the player touches the crate on the sides the crate 'destroys'. It should only destroy when the player touches the top of it. Right now the player has to jump on it 2-3 times to destroy it. That I don't really mind.

    I've tried increasing/decreasing the collision boxes on player/spikes/box but it's still the same result. I don't know if it's that or something in my events.

    If someone could take a look and let me know what I'm doing wrong, it would greatly appreciated.

  • So this is how i handled it.[/img] [/img]