jeffige's Forum Posts

  • Thanks for the reply

    1. You are building you levels with TiledBG objects. Any reason why? Tilemap is a lot easier for this sort of thing.

    2. All the TiledBG objects have physics+solid. Again: why? Physics has a hell of an overhead if you don't need it (I don't see it referenced in your events anywhere).

    Uh, I haven't come across using tilemap yet, but I believe i read using BG is better for performance. Although the BG_Tiled_Blok is more aesthetic, i was using the physics to contain the food when created. I think w/o the physics the food would fly out and overlap the BG Bloks. I will have to go back and check on this.

    3. In one place you were using an animation frame as a condition to spawn an object (your player). This is a bad idea, as frames can be skipped, or stay onscreen longer than you intend. In your case, this occasionally led to 3 or 4 players being created on re-spawn. I patched it by inserting a 'trigger once' condition after it, but you should still re-jigger this logic.

    I was trying to get the exact second to spawn the player. When the beam of light hits the ground and bounces back up, that's when i wanted to spawn the player. I guess i could have used a System Wait event to do that.

    Oh, and while it's probably way overkill for your present project, there also magicam:

    Yeah, I was trying to stay away from plugins. At one point i was using the tween plugin but on asking for help and posting my capx some users didn't have it. So I found a workaround using just the sine behavior, and it's a bit easier for me to add that logic.

    Also, on the "ScrollBud" event & action, you just fried my brain with that! I'm gonna need to spend some time to look all that up & understand that better.

    Again, thank you for all your help.

  • Hey thanks for the help, korbaach

  • Thanks for your help!

    No problem.

  • Double click on the object to bring up the image editor.

    On the left hand side in the properties box there you should see: Animation Default Properties.

    From there you can change the speed.

  • Print Screen = prt sc on the keyboard. You'll have to paste it into an image editor, then SAVE AS -

    *EDIT- you said save part of the screen, missed that.

    Do the same as i mentioned before but CROP the image before saving as -

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  • Hey thanks for the reply TiAm

    Here ya go.

  • When the player dies the camera "scrolls to" re-spawn point at normal speed. How do i change it so the camera scrolls to the re-spawn point at half speed.

    I tried changing the time scale but that had no effect.

    Thanks for any help.

  • Thank you for all the great info. Sometimes the options dialogue's in the editor are not written in layman's terms.

  • set magnitude to - 50...

    OMG that's so easy, but yet it didn't even dawn on me.

    Thanks korbaach for the help.

  • I have platforms in my game that either move vertically or horizontally. The 1st movement of the sine behavior is always DOWN or RIGHT, how can i reverse the 1st movement?

    In other words: instead of 1st moving down then up it moves up then down.

    Thanks for any help.

  • Right now in my game I have Crate --> On Destroyed --> Crate --> Spawn Apple on layer 2 (image point 0) .

    I have added 6 more different fruit to the animation. How can i randomly spawn a frame from that animation when the Crate is Destroyed?

  • Hey thanks for the reply. I thought i seen on this forum that its better to place such things in a family rather than an animation, which i planned to do at first. I will try that.

    Also can you elaborate on the object bank? Exactly what do you mean by that?

    Have a blank layout with only objects on that layout instead of above their current layout?

    Again thanks for the reply

  • In my game I have a crate that when broken spawns a food object. At first i only had 1 object, an orange, and everything worked fine. When i added more food, 7 in total, and added them to a family i started to get this error report.

    I've tried deducting the behaviors from the family and them from each object, but if i do that the family doesn't retain the behaviors.

    Can anyone explain to me what i may be doing wrong?

    Thanks for any help.

  • I have something similar in my game, a crate is broken if Player is on top.

    Try this:

    Square 1 --> On Collision w/ Square 2: Square 1--> (Add what you need here)

    (Add Condition) Square 1--> (Compare Y) Y < Square 1.Y

  • Hey thanks for the reply, ramones

    I didn't really want to add the physics behavior to the ground, they're 32X32 blocks and trying to keep memory usage down. i tried the bullet and platform behaviors, that was giving me fits trying to figure that out.

    BUT, i did figure it out using these events and actions. I don't know if it's correct procedure, but it works.