Jayjay's Forum Posts

  • Select that sprite and in the properties bar on the left go to Groups > Attributes and check the box: Center View On Me

    If you want a whole layer to stay still while layers underneath scroll select the layer and set the properties bar Scroll X Rate and Scroll Y Rate to 0%

    Hope that helps!

  • chloroplastgames 3D animation is not in the plugin yet, just 3D models that aren't animated for now

  • I've seen an experiment someone made on the forums where they were able to make a "splitscreen" game with two browser windows. However, your best bet is to code the game to work completely on one layout and load assets/level data into memory on the fly near each player.

    As for splitscreen to two different displays, that's best with multiplayer between two clients (might be tricky getting the input to both windows at once, but it is possible in other games): https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/892/mu ... 1-concepts

  • Ahh tilemap, sorry I had been thinking of tiledbackground objects. I'm not sure if you can get individual tile data as I don't use that plugin myself, sorry!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • A MySQL server? no, that's not possible.

    A multiplayer game server? Yes, that's possible through the built-in multiplayer object. Here's some tutorials on using it:

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/892/mu ... 1-concepts

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/906/mu ... -chat-room

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/979/mu ... ial-3-pong

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/915/mu ... -time-game

  • Does this work?

    start of layout

    +for each tiledbackground

    -> create object sprite at tiledbackground.x, tiledbackground.y

    -> set sprite.angle to tiledbackground.angle

  • Sorry SwirlYip, but it looks like the only way to access MySQL from Javascript is through server-side PHP scripts: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3020 ... with-mysql <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad">

  • I've seen issues like this happen between IDE versions (Visual Studio and .NET updates), and library updates (an Allegro update from one build to the next once broke one of my games completely), however in that case the main solutions are to re-code or revert program version.

    I think it's always pros VS cons when there are breaking changes, but in C2's specific case this is generally a pro. There have been some bugs introduced at times that were quickly fixed in the next beta, but once you've got all the features you need to use for your game you should stay on that build version until your game is done, release the game, then store a copy of the C2 installer with that build when you archive it.

    I can definitely understand the frustration when you're trying to find the broken/changed parts between builds, so maybe a list of every possible breaking change in one spot would be nice to have

  • Well points 1 and 2 could matter, as there is no performance gain for Scirra to force a data type.

    I'm not saying my reasoning is the definite reason for why they didn't copy and paste the feature either, I was just providing a possible explanation. I agree that it's strange they didn't do the same for global/local when private variables can be boolean.

  • I know that it can take 15 years to make a bad game: http://venturebeat.com/2011/06/13/duke- ... ver-sucks/ <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":P" title="Razz">

    Sometimes the most strange ideas can turn out to be a good game though, so you never can tell how much time it will take.

  • The original game had no way to really lose the puzzle it seems, maybe have it that the bullet can't hit the player in the next one.

    As for whether or not to make a sequel, if you feel that's what you want to do you should do it regardless of comments here and put it out there on the net!

    As long as you find your own game fun to play it's worth doing

    Hope that helps!

  • Well, there's a lot of games on the forums, and most people here are busy making their own. People who hang around to chat here generally are either looking for help/examples/ideas, bug reporting, or talking about the game industry in general.

    The arcade is a place people usually hang around to play and talk about specific games, but even then it's rare for people to talk about your games.

    Try posting your games to other sites which focus more on playing games rather than developing them. Unless you've done some really cool new effect or epic game there probably won't be many people who stop to comment.

  • Actually, what Beaverlicious posted is what you're looking for.

    GameJolt will let you host your games for free (provided the game is also free to play) and they can download it in exe or zip format if you just want to give them the HTML folder in a zip (then they open the index file in Google Chrome).

    As an added bonus, you'll even make some money from the adverts as people play or download your game (not much, but a few hundred plays might be a couple dollars).

    Are you looking for somewhere to sell it?

  • Looking at the underlying technology of C2 (HTML5 / Javascript), I notice that all variables are ultimately without a type in their definition: http://www.w3schools.com/js/js_datatypes.asp

    In fact, at the bottom of that page it says:


    Do Not Declare String, Number, and Boolean as Objects!

    When a JavaScript variable is declared with the keyword "new", the variable is created as an object:

    var x = new String(); // Declares x as a String object

    var y = new Number(); // Declares y as a Number object

    var z = new Boolean(); // Declares z as a Boolean object

    Avoid String, Number, and Boolean objects. They complicate your code and slow down execution speed.


    With that said, I guess the Construct 2 editor tries to at least provide some structure by allowing variables to be specifically set to number or text. It seems possible to add the "type" of Boolean, but they probably also decided it was unnecessary due to the ability of Javascript to perform Boolean checks for most data types ( http://www.w3schools.com/js/js_booleans.asp )

    So, they probably figured it's easier to just invert a condition that checks "if X = 0" than to bother with all the extra code to support a fake type, that would lower performance during execution if it were enforced via variables declared as objects.

  • spy84 Ah yeah, I understand, it's definitely hard developing games between work (12 hour shifts here) and university/etc but slow progress is still progress heh