Jayjay's Forum Posts

  • Now, if only I can figure out which .class file to edit in order to get the hi-def texture packs working in the latest version, I would be a happy man indeed.

    The file that you want to edit is in this folder:

    C:\Documents and Settings\<your username>\Application Data\.minecraft\bin

    Then you can open minecraft.jar with a tool like WinRAR to replace them (simply drag the new texture pack in, delete/backup the old).

  • Try Construct 3

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  • So, we need a server going.

    Edit: Darnation, Minecraft Alpha doesn't have MP client out yet...

    Well, it doesn't have survival mode multiplayer yet, but Alpha still has a form of multiplayer (The main differences between it and single player are that it runs in God mode with no monsters, only animals).

    You can download the server program here: http://www.minecraft.net/download/Minecraft_Server.exe

    Is Snow a new thing?

    I think it has been around for a couple of versions, but at the moment there isn't a weather transition/season system so if you start with a snow world, it stays snowing forever. I've also seen rain in Minecraft in a video on the youtube channel of the guy who is making the game, but haven't managed to generate a world with it yet myself.

  • kind of offtopic but does anyone know any similar survival game ??

    With less focus on the mining and more focus on surviving (you need to eat food, drink water, sleep, etc), Stranded 2 is a pretty good survival game (http://www.stranded.unrealsoftware.de/s2_infos.php).

    Now I wonder about the game around it but... is there any? is it online? can anyone explain how the official paid version works?

    The paid version lets you play singleplayer survival mode (and when beta is released, multiplayer survival mode), where you have to find the resources to make tools, and build shelter from the creatures that come out at night and hunt you, but usually disappear when it's daytime. It also adds alot of buildable items like stairs, ladders, boats, minecarts, and minecart tracks to make fun inventions like rollercoasters (video on main page of http://www.minecraft.net), or just use them for exploring the maps.

    At the moment, the multiplayer online appears to only be creative mode (unless you join a modified server, which could be anything from Portal to Role Playing), which is similar to the free version. However, creative mode in the paid version allows you to make items as you normally would in single player.

    Also, the game is updated all the time (even now it's only 1.5 years old) and any updates or expansions come free once you own it. So although the game doesn't have a distinct goal or ending at the moment, the creator has mentioned that he would like to have some method of winning the game.

    Edit: forgot to mention, paid users can also download a client to play the game in instead of just playing it in their browser.

  • I'm still not convinced that the graphics are good enough.

    I'm not talking about the block size of the landscape, but the low-res textures used for each block.

    I think that he did this art style because he wanted to make it similar to the game that inspired him called Infiniminer (http://www.zachtronicsindustries.com/?p=713). Also, you can try/there are people working on texture packs to make it look better if you don't like the style (like this:


    The game looks to be pretty modable in ways other than textures too

    And it doesn't seem like it's worth buying right now at first, but once you start playing it you realise where its headed and find yourself itching to get it while its still half price (sale ends when beta comes out within the next month or two).

    Take a look at this video the guy making it posted of one fully generated world:

    (supposedly 8 times the surface of the Earth)

  • A friend pointed me towards a video of a game thats been in development for about a year and a half now called Minecraft (http://www.minecraft.net), it's a VERY addicting 3D survival/creative game thats getting better all the time.

    I was wondering if anyone here knew about it already? If not, I can't recommened checking out this video enough:

    Edit: Also forgot to mention, the game is currently on a sale of %50 off until the next main version comes out. Although its only going from Alpha to Beta, the creator has said that a one-time purchase entitles you to all future updates and expansions which is nice

  • If you port it to Linux, you can pretty much run it on any device that linux has been installed on (phones, consoles, computers, cameras, pda's, etc).

    In terms of web game creation, I think it would be a nice feature, but very hard to sell if you were to try and make your game commercial. However, if the games are exported in Java, they could potentially work on most phone devices (even the IPhone, if you jailbreak it you get the features that "Apple is too good for").

  • Wow, some really nice changes here! Thanks for sharing it Yarfapet

  • FPS: 72

    Particles: 315

  • -Better tiling. Creating level 8000x6000 with a lot of various densely tiled decorative sprites is very tediously. It would be nice to be here tile editor like in GameMaker or RPG Maker

    I agree that this is good, but I would like it to be a selected mode of object placement (eg: Free/2D Tile/Isometric Tile/Hexagonal) as both placement modes of Construct and GameMaker have their pro's and con's.

    Here is my list of ideas:

    It would be nice if Construct 2 started with a 3D engine at the core, and the 2D was built on top of it (eg: All objects have the same Z position). This would make it easier for the community to extend the 3D side of it through plugins/accessing the source.
    An implementation of a network library would be really cool, but if it messes with the licensing then it would still be awesome to just have basic interent packet sending/recieving stuff.
    It's always tricky working with the animations, I would really like a system closer to the way The Games Factory handles it where it shows a popup with the list of animations, the current selected frame, the angles of the animation, and the frames below (however, instead of just pre-defined animations, there should still be an ability to add new ones). I wish I could also mention some improvements for the sub animations, but currently I have no idea how to get them to work in the first place.
    The layout of Construct in general is good in my opinion, but I can see why people coming from RPG Maker and Game Maker don't like it. The ability to choose your layout style would be nice, but if it comes down to a choice between the two, I vote heavily on keeping it as-is.
    In terms of 3D features, A 3D shape object instead of just a 3D box would be nice, (eg: Sphere/Cylinder/Box/Pyramid). Something even greater would be basic 3D collision detection for them, since they can then be used as collision boxes for imported 3D models. However, the current implementation of 3D models would be a perfect start for Construct 2 if it also supported animation (the other stuff can come later through community plugins, etc).
    Multiplatform at runtime is definitely on the wish-list, but it would be better if the community can make the exporters for other systems rather than them being pre-set (eg: Construct tells the default renderer to draw a sprite, but the renderer module itself handles the OpenGL/Direct X code, meaning Construct itself can be a solid code that doesn't need to change for the different rendering api's). For Construct 2 itself, if it works in Windows (and Linux through Wine) then that would be fine too (If I remember correctly, Mac has some methods of running Windows programs now?).[/code:24phqhny]
    Anyway, thats all I can think of at the moment, most of it is pretty "in the next 5 years" requests, but it's nice to dream right?
  • General agreement?

    You have my vote

  • Wow, another release so soon? Thanks again Scirra team!

  • xxKitheifxx's solution will work perfectly for turns from the sounds of what you described.

    As for pathfinding/grid movement, the RTS behaviour already does both

  • Pretty fun My "legit" score is 25 correct, 0 wrong. However, I think I found a bug as I managed to get 66 correct and only 7 wrong by just mashing the same direction very fast (and it seems the faster you do it, the less likely you are to get it wrong).

  • Best I get is 24fps on the same system as I said in your other post. I didn't see anything except two swinging purple rectangles and a stationary one though, thats normal right?

  • 800x600 windowed (I assumed full screen meant stretched across the whole window)