Jayjay's Forum Posts

  • I tried it out and didn't find much difference besides vram usage (although, I did just get a brand new Nvidia card today ).

    Before: 85fps, 0.06mb vram

    After: 85fps, 2.14mb vram


    Cpu - Intel P4 2.8Ghz

    Graphics Card - XFX Nvidia Geforce 210 (512mb)

  • Jayjay, No not easier to do in python but lucid was making an intro to spark interest in adding python to projects, so after you lean it you can do things that Construct can't. It is a beautifully simple example for the beginner. So while it is easier to do this in construct; if lucid would have made a huge project then most people would have passed it over.

    Ahhh, ok. I was leaning more towards Python being easier to code quickly in when you know what you're typing, not that programming in a language in general is easier than using Construct events system.

    I do see what you mean though, I was thinking about the case of smaller projects, where including the python runtime in your executable isn't necessary unless you must do something that Construct events alone can't do well (or even at all).

    The way Python is implemented in Construct is (very) nice however, and I'm not trying to put it (or the given example) down in any way.

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  • I don't understand why this is done in Python, when it looks like it can be done using events (ala Functions, Families and Private Variables) just the same. However, I guess the python script is easier to type in quickly than clicking through all of the windows it takes to make events.

    Thanks for sharing Lucid!

  • Nice wallpaper I noticed in the video that the scaling was a bit weird (the player was bigger than the car), but other than that it looks great so far, I'm looking forward to the next playable release =]

  • I'm liking the theme The graphics look nice too so far, is it going to be kinda like GTA? Or do you never get out of the car?

  • Heh, I came on by chance before going to sleep and find this awesome update. Thanks Scirra!


    Well, bone movement works again (YAY!) but I'm still having major problems with the Physics behaviour and 3D Box object =/ Anyone else experiencing this?

  • I'm definitely going to include this at the start of any games I make from now on, now I just need to find the time to make games again

  • Wow, this program seems really good. I can definitely see myself using it next time I move some music around

    Any plans on expanding it to allow list making/file moving for general files or folders? Maybe even saving the list of what to move/where to move it for repetitive tasks? I could imagine such a feature being used for compiling programs, where it will move all the compiled data/executables/dll's and media files into a folder where the program can be run or put into a zip file for easy distribution.

    Anyway, thanks for sharing this software =)

  • Hi, I think that we all know Wolfenstein example project by David, but I'm not sure, why all things in 3D looks weird. Tell me, have you these problems?

    I noticed exactly the same thing. Also, trying to run a program with the bone movement gives me the error "Failed to load BoneMov.csx" in this version too.

  • I think I've found the issue with families introduced in recent builds and fixed it for the next build. However, it reverts back to a bug where Family.Count returns the wrong count. That's less serious, but it's hard to see another way to fix that. It'll probably be left as an open bug for now.

    Ah ok, thanks Ashley

  • Heh thanks =] Just found that I forgot a condition to allow multiple objects to follow paths at once and decided to update it so you might want to download it again...

  • Here is an example of simple path following I whipped up in about 5 minutes, made in 0.98.9 so hopefully it works the same in newer versions of Construct.

    Made in response to http://www.scirra.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=5601.

    Hope it helps someone (feel free to use, upgrade, and ask questions about it)

    Edit: I just noticed that the way the 2nd path is placed the follower can get stuck in an endless loop around the 3rd (dark red) point , when I next find some free time I will try to make/upload a better example/system and put it up here.

    Edit 2: Whoops! forgot a condition to support multiple followers, fixed now (also fixed the 'spin around the spot' problem I described before )

    Edit 3: Err, yet another edit, but this is to say that it seems the cap doesn't work as expected in newest versions of construct. However, it's been tested and works in 0.98.9 and 0.99.7

  • For curved paths you could add control point variables to the path object (curvature or an extra point for bezier or whatever you please) and move your object accordingly.

    Actually, an even simpler way to do (basic) curves/turning is to just use "Rotate towards object" and "Move at angle" commands. I will upload an example .cap I made in the uploads section in a sec...

    Edit: Here it is: http://www.scirra.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=5634

  • Sounds great!

    Still, if I can find/steal enough time to get something together, i'm in =)

  • Another off-beat idea, but in terms of emulation and cheapness, the Dingoo is looking pretty sweet http://www.gbax.com/a320.html. Hopefully going to pick one up myself for my birthday or Christmas

    It's only like 4 or 5 months old and already the community has linux booting up on it with Quake, Doom, Rise Of The Triad and a bunch of emulators being ported to it. Worth a look if some other cheap asian technology doesn't come out and kill it