Jayjay's Forum Posts

  • >

    > > Light object can do things Sprite can't. If I remember correctly, Sprite doesn't work with Shadow Caster.

    > >


    > I thought the light object was the source, and a sprite must have the shadow caster behavior to create shadows


    This thread about the same thing was created recently:

    Yeah, I had suggested the same solution to that problem as well.

    Here is a cap I made to show how to use a sprite to graphically represent a light object: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4714446/LightWithASprite.cap

    As shown, the resizing of the light requires recalculation of shadow depth each tick. To support multiple/dynamic lights, you can use a circular sprite that further surrounds the each light to check for collisions. If an object is in that circle, then it recieves its shadow from that light (this does create a limit of one light acting on an object at a given time, but should be able to be counteracted by using fake "baked" shadowmaps and lighting for static map objects).

  • How did you make it so people can mod it?

    Using INI files

    Although, someone did post a tutorial on encrypting them if you want to. Check the "tutorials list" post.

  • Light object can do things Sprite can't. If I remember correctly, Sprite doesn't work with Shadow Caster.

    I thought the light object was the source, and a sprite must have the shadow caster behavior to create shadows

  • Construct 2 exports to HTML5, it's not as finished as Construct Classic, but it's getting better with each update. It might be able to do what you want

  • I really like zombies, so I've been working on a small fangame that takes bits from most zombie games I've played before (Survival Crisis Z, CoD Zombies, Dead Rising, Left 4 Dead 2, Garrys Mod Zombies) and brings them together. So far you can mod the graphics, sound/music, and maps of the game, but I plan to add campaigns in as well. Work is slow as I am just finishing my school exams but I hopefully will release the beta by July

  • Yes, but not channels.

    Ahhh, ok. Does this plugin also support time scaling?

  • Nice. I've been looking for something that can pause music. /stolen.=P

    Would it be possible tom add a music queue?

    Both XAudio2 and the Mod plugins can pause music, did it not work on your machine?

  • Can you post some details on your graphics card/computer specification? I've heard that Construct is really buggy with certain graphics cards.

    Also, can you run games other people have made in Construct?

  • That device, is horrible.

  • Scary isn't about gameplay. Most other types of games have enemies that you kill and want to kill you, etc. Scary games are no different than any other games in that regard.

    What makes a scary game different is the story, and character development. And psychologically messing with your player's emotions. You can't make something scary in a day.

    So, Jayjay, I absolutely disagree with you. Scary games do not start with the engine and controls first. They start with a story. And lots, and lots, and lots of pre-planning before you ever even start coding.

    Once the story is down, you can make whatever game mechanics and control scheme you need to fit the story.

    You're absolutely right about the story needing to be made before the game, but I assumed he had already planned what he wanted in that respect before he started any work on actually making the game. I was just saying that a good game gameplay-wise can not (usually) be made in a day.

  • Don't you hate when you have an idea for a game that you realy REALY want to make, but you can't or you know that, in the end, it won't deleiver the results you want? Or when you have an idea you THOUGHT you realy REALY wanted to make, put in weeks of work and get board of the concept? This has happened to me on 3 occasions already. My most recent flook that I worked all day on, ORIGINS. I knew once I started testing a demo I made that I coundn't make it scary. I feel like ****

    I've spent tonnes of time trying to make things that were out of reach, or I became bored of them. It's not really a waste though, because you always learn to do new things or get an idea for a better game idea while you do it (unless you're trying to remake the same game each time ).

    Although, if you've only worked on it for a day, you probably won't find it scary. Scary games usually are made with the engine/game control first, and then the scary stuff is put in. Try getting a solid gameplay engine together before putting the scares in.

    Also, Sved is correct as well, you know where everything is going to happen (unless you make the scary stuff happen randomly) so you won't be as scared

  • The forums used to allow it, but I don't know if they do anymore. I'd recommend getting DropBox https://www.dropbox.com/home

  • Here is the topic Zenox98 is talking about: http://www.scirra.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=9651

  • Awesome, glad to hear

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Sounds like the a collision mask problem, can you post the cap/source?

    Failing that, try changing the collision method from "per pixel" to "bounding box"