Jayjay's Forum Posts

  • The second one works, but I think the first one might as well.

  • Hello everyone ! It's me... again ! I wanted to know how to do a trail effect (sprite trail) with the bone behaviour...

    So I want something like this :

    <img src="http://serio.piiym-net.com/CVBla/txtboard/src/shot5.png">

    but with using the bone behaviour !

    <img src="http://img684.imageshack.us/img684/2480/skybones.png">

    Maybe try using the plasma object and then pasting the character/whatever-you-want-to-trail into it. I don't have a cap at hand, but I'll try to come up with one when I have some spare time if you want.

  • I've managed to get to level 3 so far, although it did take me about 50 deaths to do that. I like the game though, the blue squares background from level 2 on really adds some nice atmosphere to it

    On a side note, I found level 2 to be way easier than level 1, maybe swap them around to make the difficulty curve a little less steep? Also, the jumping/moving feels a bit floaty. It's not too bad on levels 1 and 2, but on level 3 it makes the level really hard.

  • Thanks Jay Jay

    No problem, if you get stuck with INI files just send me a PM and I'll try to make a tutorial for you when I next have some free time

  • I'm an INI fanatic, so I'd recommend using those for both tasks (save and load on layout change as well as exit).

    Here are some INI tutorials:

    Basic INI Use: http://www.scirra.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=4328&hilit=Save

    INI File Protection: http://www.scirra.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=4549&hilit=Save

    INI Level Loading/Editing: http://www.scirra.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=1721

    Achievements With INI Files: http://www.scirra.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=9418

  • Even though construct is labeled open source i have found there is actually quite a few official plugins and behaviors that have code which is not available.

    That is just official things and there is then 3rd party plugins which are closed source so you would also have to make your own versions of those plugins or avoid the use of any plugins other than the ones available the SVN.

    Technically it is possible though but as lucid says it would probably just be better to write new code. I am guessing some people making games will use programs like construct to make quick prototypes for games before coding them.

    Yeah, it's not really a good solution at all. That said, if someone really needed to try and convert their game into C++, I think this would be the only way to do it at the moment.

  • Another thing that I think helps make a game scary, try to put in some really dangerous monsters that the player (usually) can't win against without making traps or something. The idea of this is to have sinister creatures that chase the player around at certain points, but are just toying with the player. It's more scary to have to hide/run from something, than line up a few gunshots on it (kind of the like "Clock Tower" game on the SNES, where you can't really kill the scissor guy, but you can hide from him).

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  • Hello !

    I want to add a xbox360 controler gameplay , but I need some advices for simulating the mouse mouvement with the controler right stick. if you know how to do, I'm your man.

    thanks for react and hints.

    You might be able to create a "mouse pointer" and just move that with the stick. That should be a bit easier than trying to simulate actual mouse input.

  • Oh, I see. I thought you meant there was a way to somehow directly expose the code running the events. It would've been a cool way to see what makes our event codes tick.

    The Express Game Maker exposes the C# code for xna inside of another program window while you're creating. I always thought that was cool to see how what you're doing with the events and stuff playing out in C#.

    Ah yeah, that would be cool. Thanks for telling me about that program though, it looks pretty cool

  • > If you download the source code for Construct, and look at the code that is generated for each condition and action you use (along with the objects in the layout editor)


    Wait... that can be done? I wasn't aware of that. Could you show us how?

    I haven't grabbed a copy of the source yet, but I think it can be done, yeah.

    Since the whole thing is open source, you just find the code used during compiling of a cap to exe, and stitch it together manually (then fill in the data your cap tells it to). Unfortunately this would require replacing of the parameters and values of each subroutine with the hardcoded information you store in the cap file itself.

    In effect, you have to run the code "inside your head" to find what executes when in the final program, and then you write the code just for your game. It's alot of effort, but maybe a program can interpret Construct conditions/actions and generate the C++ automatically someday.

    If I get time to toy around with the source, I'll try and see if it's possible, but that probably won't be until late August though I think

  • Hey! I have a question. Is there any way I can compile .cap file into a c++ code? Waiting for answers.

    If you download the source code for Construct, and look at the code that is generated for each condition and action you use (along with the objects in the layout editor), you should be able to piece together the pure C++ code.

    That said, it's a lot of work, and probably will be less optimised than the exported exe from Construct itself

  • You can try using the light object with a blank graphic, then create a sprite at the centre of the light object with the image you want (and decrease it's opacity).

    The shadows should still cast (the light range isn't dictated by the graphic I think)

  • Ah this is awesome! No more switching between plugins when playing different formats Will this eventually included in Construct Classic itself?

  • Another format you could have looked at is Mod files (.xm, .it, .s3m, etc) which are like midi files with custom samples/instruments. They sound the same on any pc (unlike midis).

    However, to check if a mod file is stopped you need to use an inverted "Is Paused" and inverted "Is Playing" condition. When both return false (the inverted versions therefore both return true) the song is over.

    Check out some of the music you can play with the mod plugin here: http://modarchive.org/index.php

    Edit: I also just realised, the mod plugin doesn't support volume controls. Darn

  • I think I just found a bug, I added the ball behaviour to a second object in my game. Previously my game ran fine (with the first ball behaviour object), but now it's giving me the error 'Behavior name "ball" not found!' when I try to run it. I started this game in v99.98 and it has worked fine through r1.1 and 1.2 up until I added this new sprite/ball behaviour.

    Anybody else have this problem?

    Edit: Seems to have been a family problem. Removed the object from the family and it works fine again.