Jayjay's Forum Posts

  • As always I defer to ROJOhound for the hard problems..

    but if Python did integrate with Construct arrays, I would believe that it could potentially be a lot faster using the Numpy library which at its core is all C/C++. You can also inline C code inside a Python script using Numpy.


    Excerpt from the site for a speed comparison:

    > Here are some timing results for a 500x500 grid for 100 iterations. Note that we also have a comparison of results of using the slow Python version along with Psyco.
    Type of solution
    Time taken (sec)
    Python (estimate)
    Python + Psyco (estimate)
    Python + NumPy Expression
    Fast Inline
    Matlab (estimate)
    Octave (estimate)
    Pure C++
    My guess is right now they are not integrated enough, but I think it would be well worth it to add that support.

    Those values show that Pure C++ still processes way faster than any form of Python, so Events are probably still better performance-wise. I say this because once the interpreted command to start the loop begins, Construct is running pure C++ during the loop (at least, that's how I think it works, I haven't had a chance to look at the source yet).

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  • Yup, that's possible. I saw a similar cap somewhere using the platform behaviour to do this (as platform behaviour has the conditions "wall on left" and "wall on right")

    Not sure if it's the best way to do it, but I'd do something similar if I was making a platformer.

  • Screen transitions seem to screw up everything, I had to remove them from my game to get it to work

  • Looks cool, I'll try it out sometime. Thanks for sharing Megatronx =]

  • Well, when you use Python, the entire script is interpreted. However, with Construct events your script is running C++ compiled subroutines, which is incredibly fast compared to interpreted languages.

    So with any Python vs Events choices Events will probably win out in performance (unless you are using advanced Python libraries, using different algorithms, or something along those lines).

    Sadly, I haven't tested this out myself yet, so I can't prove it.

  • > There is an issue with 'or'. I think I found the possible reason for it some time ago, and wanted to work on it now that I started helping with Construct Classic development. But I currently don't have a pc, I can't work on it.


    > Here is the link describing the possible issue: http://www.scirra.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=7428


    What's weird though, is when following the exact same steps I explain in the (updated) first post, the 'OR' event works, but it will start giving the error message, as soon as You put it into a Group.

    Yup, I noticed that as well. I had OR expressions on my game and they only worked when they weren't in a group.

    Alternate method for OR right now: Have a function and call it in the two (or more) conditions, this prevents copy and paste of actions for each condition

  • If you can get away with using it, try RPG Maker 2003. I was pretty new to it and finished a small RPG for my friends birthday using it in around 3 or 4 weeks. It even had some cool things like casino games

  • If I'm not mistaken, the Dreamcast was the first videogame console to have a screen unit controller. It--and the Dreamcast in general--was ahead of its time and what made it even more incredible was that the screen unit (the VMU) was compact and could be taken out of the controller to play games on the go. I used to enjoy raising my Chao's in Sonic Adventure when I was on the go.

    Yup, it was a shame that Dreamcast came out when the tech wasn't there to support its ideas. Something like that updated to new tech would be...well...WiiU

  • I don't see why people are so mad about this anyway, unless you had playstation plus, people should be happy psn is free. I hate when think they deserve something that they don't, it's even more stupid that some people traded their ps3's. Oh noes! We can't pwn nEWbs in call of duty no mo! It was one month. Not a year.

    It's mostly not about the service being down. It's about people's personal and credit card details being stolen. You wouldn't want people to just walk in and take money from your bank would you? Well, people trusted Sony and they screwed it up. Big time(s).

    Also, the PSN was supposed to come with the price of the PS3, if I paid the extra money with expectations for a free online service that was actually online, I'd be angry too..

    And for developers on PSN, the number of sales lost each minute, let alone in a month, were probably staggering. Companies can die when their games get held back like that

  • [quote:3b7jy5gj]I'll post a cap in a couple days if you would like one.

    Please, I just do not quite understand what you wrote, because I know English very bad.

    Ah, I just tried it. Sadly it doesn't resize the graphics, it only increase the view space.

    However, if you are fine with that and just want the screen to resize properly, then you can try what I did in this cap file:


    I also discovered this works with or without "Unbounded scrolling" ticked so I would actually recommend that it is not ticked for your game.

  • i heard this thing will not be open source, or the president-like promise about porting it for opengl, to make space for gnu/linux

    Construct 2 already uses OpenGL for the editor, and has plans for exporting OpenGL applications I think (right now it use HTML5, which works great for phone/web). I'm not certain if the editor/runtime stuff will come to Linux but I don't see why it can't.

  • Ah yes, this is the problem I was mentioning that isn't really a bug. To stop it, make boundaries at the edges of the layout that stop the player moving, and also stretch them out to make the boundaries a solid colour (black is probably the usual colour). It'd be good to put these boundaries on a top layer so that nothing goes over them, but also hide & lock the layer while you're working on the game so you can still use the space they take.

    I'll post a cap in a couple days if you would like one.

  • When I put the "unbounded scrolling" in the game there are white bands that interfere with the game. I tried to put the "show more window content" and does not include the "unbounded scrolling" but then the game is stretched. What should I do? Can do for me source code in which there is an implementation of this method?

    The white bands may be intentional, can you put up a screenshot/image of what they look like please?

  • It's not a bug, if you tick "unbounded scrolling" in the layout and change the resizing mode to "show more window content" in the application properties, it will prevent everything looking stretched (this will introduce black borders and increase the view size however).

    Either that, or disable manual resizing/the full screen button, and have options for setting the screen size to the exact resolutions you want inside your game, followed by some events to set the screen to those resolutions.

  • Had a look at a video of it (

    ), I like the graphic style(s?) of it quite a bit but I couldn't tell if the cartoon itself was any good