Jayjay's Forum Posts

  • For that I think you'd want to use the Download and ZIP plugins. As long as the website link is the same, you should be able to download a zip file from your website with the Download plugin and then extract it to your current game folder using the ZIP plugin.

    I've not tried this before, but I think I remember somebody using that method in the past.

  • In England, grade XI (GCSE "year 11") is mandatory, but you finish it at 16 years old and can leave school. Grades XI and below are 1 to 2 years behind North American schools in terms of content, but that is because GCSE's have been decreasing from what they once were (OLevels).

    Then you can do what are called "A-Levels" for grades XII and XII. For students who take them, these make up the short-fall in GCSE's if you take STEM subjects (Science, Technology, English, Mathematics). They cover the "missing" 2 years content, and then things that may be taught in the first year of university in North America. I've only looked at Canada, but a B or above in a Physics A-Level is equivalent to 1 university credit in Physics. This is usually the case for each STEM A-Level, but some are worth a lower value of 0.5 credits in their subject.

    I haven't been to university yet (still finishing A-Level exams), but I've noticed that it's more the university you go to, rather than the course you take, that affects what you learn. If you go to Oxford, you get one of the best educations in the world. If you go to some other places, you don't.

    Most of my teachers often tell me that the education system here is much easier than it used to be, and that what we do at A-Levels used to be done in OLevels (old GCSE), and their A-Levels had the same content taught in universities today. I wouldn't believe it if it wasn't for news showing 8 year olds getting A's in the papers I'm taking this summer

    As for the pressure of doing the subjects, I found GCSE's came to me fairly easy and I didn't have to work hard to get good grades, but others do not have the same ease.

    A-Levels are varied. Some people do IB's which mean they need to take 6 or so subjects for A-Level, while others only need to do 2 to 4 A-Levels. It also depends on subject, as science (physics, biology, or chemistry) and mathematics are regarded as the most difficult subjects to take. I think that every A-Level student will feel more pressure than when they did GCSE's however.

  • oooh. Okey so removing/adding family members is dangerous. em i correct?

    thats so sad

    i wonder when(IF!) itll get fixed. Sounds like a major kick in the balls if you dont backup your caps that offten.

    Hell! i am scared that i might one day forget to do backup and ill loss days of hard work

    Well, families have been improving with each new release, so it's probably not as bad anymore. But yeah, always stay on the safe side.

  • > Events with families work pretty fine though, it's just whenever you change private variables, behaviours, or actual objects. That's when you need to be careful.


    hmm. this is troubling.

    PV - you mean PV's of the whole family or just its members?

    Beh's - do you mean like turning beh's off or like for example: changing 8dir beh speed?

    Object - whta sort of changes can be classified as this? i mean is frame/animation changes safe?

    on example:

    I have lots of enemy mobs. Many mobs are made out of couple of sprites linked togather. All of them have also PV's for their ammo, HP, alertness and many others. They also are all animated and have some custome animations displayed under precise circumstances like death, running away, agressive, shooting etc.

    By change, I mean (sometimes) adding or (mostly) removing them. Changing their values, graphics, animations, and settings is fine. Just plan ahead so that you don't need to add/remove things to the families too often, as it doesn't go smoothly every time.

    Sorry for the confusion

  • Ah I was pretty happy until I saw that it only imports .obj files. Still, thanks for sharing Shinkan, it'd probably be good for developing 3D buildings/scenery and then rendering sprites from them

  • Maybe you can create an object that spans the entire layout with the effect and tick the "global" box, then it will be created on every layout at runtime. Using transitions breaks this though

  • Events with families work pretty fine though, it's just whenever you change private variables, behaviours, or actual objects. That's when you need to be careful.

  • Heh, no problem, I'm just happy it works!

    Thanks for sharing your solution though, hopefully other people who have the same problem can learn from the cap

    Families can sometimes have bugs though, so keep backups incase you stumble onto something that breaks your cap!

  • I'm not sure if the bone behaviour does rotation properly, but it is worth a try. Setting the X and Y of each object will probably run faster than 100 objects linked up by the bone behaviour though

    You could try creating families of similar sprites and then put them in containers, they will then link up to their correct main body and it will reduce the amount of events you need to write. The end result will still be those sprites being processed in large amounts, but Construct can probably handle it without dropping (m)any FPS.

  • No its not my material like i said its a COMPLETELY NEW LAPTOP, its impossible, its in this plugin something is wrong because instead using the webcam this software call the software of the webcam and that cant work... the developers have to check the screenshots i put in this forum.

    Its in your code, because its a NEW LAPTOP, so that mean your plugin dont reconize the news webcams include with laptops.

    It is possible, in fact, it could be because it's brand new that it isn't supported yet. The plugin may rely on a library that needs updating for the new technology, or a new standard that didnt' exist when it was made.

    imagine someone who buy a new computer; for example me, my laptop have now 4days, its new, and you tell to the people, its not our software its your laptop....


    Sadly, it's not crazy. When companies don't conform to standards (like NVidia removing support for an old graphics library in newer cards, totally wiping the possibilty to run Windows 98/95 games), people lose out.

    Try another webcam, maybe a USB one that you (or a friend) has around.

    However, if you feel that a Construct Classic developer is needed to fix this, try sending a PM to R0J0hound or Lucid about it. They are two programmers developing Construct Classic at the moment. I'd gladly try and help if I knew how to make plugins, but I won't have time to learn how until I finish my exams

    Edit: Also, knowing that your device is an integrated laptop webcam. I had the same problem with another program I made in VB.Net using a webcam (the grey "choose webcam" screen, however, the webcam worked with Dell's propietary software).

    The only solution that worked 100% was buying a USB webcam. I think integrated webcams probably just generally break standards so that people have to rely on the providers drivers and webcam programs.

  • So maybe its important for the developers and the community to completly check this extension, THANKS.

    Sadly, I think you're one of the only people having this problem, making it a hardware problem rather than a software problem. However, to test this could you please run these cap files: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4714446/WebcamApp.cap and http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4714446/WebcamDirectX.cap

    If it doesn't run for you, it is probably your hardware that is causing the problem.

  • If I remember correctly, the latest build of C2 will resize properly if you set it to fullscreen mode. Not sure though, I haven't tried anything from C2 on mobile devices yet sorry

    Edit: Heh, post 404

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  • Maybe start a Twitter account to post updates on, people can follow you in their news feeds and then they'll visit your website whenever you put up something of interest to them.

  • Um, Platform behaviour is the most likely candidate unless you want to completely write a custom movement. In that case, use the Custom Movement behaviour.

    As for measuring the rom numbers, I have no idea of an exact method, but possibly compiling an open source one in debug mode using Visual Studio express will let you look at variables real-time as you step through the program.

  • I was just joking dude, seems like you might be sensitive if your going to what some person you don't even know get at you. I saw that coming, people over react ALL THE TIME.

    I don't understand what "if your going to what some person you don't even know" means, but I believe he is being serious because everything on these forums represents the community. This is especially true when creating tutorials which newcomers will see and judge the community on.