oh really? hmm. thought Beh's are executed faster then events. what a shame
Some nice tut on this method with fammilies would be greatly aprreciated.
Oh and it bother me - its quite plain to link sprites via X/Y event if they are pre-made.
But what about the one that are spawned, created?
Think: monster spawner. each monster is made out of 3 individualy animated sprites that creates the whole. But they are being spawned from sprite X - the spawner.
Making the spawner create new monsters sounds very easy. But to make him spawn them in couples of 3, when each should be attached in a precise manner to each other... thats beyond my knowledge. and then, if i would use X/Y event tracing - how i am supposed to make it trace each new psanwed mosnters and their elements?
i mean okey:
if always -> set Mob Tail X, Y on image point "tail start" of Mob Main body
but then if i spawn lets say 10 of them each will get glued to one mobs, em i right?
ive managed to get a grip of the fammilies linking method but for some reason i simply cant set the angle of the sub-sprite which is odd.
When i try to
if always -> set angle Family_sub.angle to Family_main.angle
it just doesnt work. I mean, the second family is not even there to pick or click. and if i type the expresion by hand it says that there no such expresion.
oh okey now it works. instead of using family angle i just used sprites angle
Works like a charm. Thank you Jay