Jayjay's Forum Posts

  • So we will have to pay? Awwwww...

    Not for Construct Classic which is free and open source. It is also still in development by some members from the community.

  • Ahh, if that dialog pops up then it thinks another program is already using your webcam, or can't detect it. I'm not sure how to fix that sadly

    I notice the program has a grey background, is it an application project? I've not tried webcam with one and it may be that the plugin uses Direct-X to render.

  • I just tried it, I had to add the condition "On start of layout" and action "Webcam > Set Previewing > Yes" before it would show a live feed. Otherwise it just shows a snapshot when the program starts.

  • Yeah, Portal 2 is pretty sweet, I really love the dark atmosphere it has.

    The multiplayer is great splitscreen with a friend, and online seems to be as well if you don't get matched with someone who just plays around when you're trying to beat it. That said, finding someone who wants to toy around when you do, is also great

    I'm really happy that the students from Digipen were hired, not only did the first group of students bring out Portal, the gels in the sequel add alot of fun to the game. Heh, straight from school to Valve...that'd be awesome

  • no service that shouldn't be free (including updating, maintaining, and upgrading their own network, why wouldn't they?)

    Well, for starters, they do it better than PSN do. Mostly because they have the money to do so from the price customers pay.

    Second, they are also using the money to buy free services like Skype and Youtube, and bring them onto the Xbox where there would be (usually) very little to no money for the companies to do so. PSN has only been adding subscription and shopping services, leaving the free services to use the PSN browser, which will most likely never integrate into other parts of the console.

    One of the most absurd things is paying for DLC which is already on the disc. Capcom has no shame...

    Funnily enough, this is probably because Sony would charge them if it was a download...

    Heh, just did a search, it was a PS3 version they found content on: http://www.computerandvideogames.com/289501/news/marvel-vs-capcom-3-dlc-already-on-disc/

    Uh, Jayjay, when you play on XBL, the XBL servers don't really do anything. Game data is sent between the host console and the others and party chat works the same way. MS doesn't do much of anything in that regard. There is the matchmaking service, though.

    When somebody is modding or hacking their Xbox, Microsoft are usually able to take action and ban their console. They also allow me to avoid players that cheat so that I don't get matched against them very often/ever again. I understand that it's the game developers who do the actual prevention of hacks and cheats per game.

    All of this said, I do agree that online gaming should be as free as LAN when you use the internet to play against other players. However, it technically is with the Xbox 360, just bypass Xbox Live community/service and you can connect through virtual LAN's using this program (completely legal): http://www.xbconnect.com/

  • you pay your isp for bandwidth, you pay microsoft a toll to be allowed to play your games online.

    I pay Microsoft so they can use my money to secure their networks, keep cheaters and hackers out of my games, keep the networks up at least 99% of the time, release new updates to my Xbox experience, ensure that most DLC and services end up available for my console first (or at least at the same time as PS3).

    It's not like a toll bridge where you pay for a completed installation, it's a service that expands just as the people who pay for WoW get new updates.

    In this case scenario, the customers who pay for multiplayer also pay towards services like downloads. However with PS3, the developers pay (see here: http://ve3d.ign.com/articles/news/45640/Sony-Charging-Publishers-For-PSN-Bandwidth). It's a small charge, but it adds up when only a single entity is paying the bill.

    this whole dlc thing is getting worse and worse, and in my opinion microsoft has caused alot of this, and it affects every platform now

    As I said, DLC/paid expansions has been around since The Sims and even before that with Command and Conquer Red Alert releasing Aftermath and Counterstrike. Considering Red Alert has a map editor, it was pretty lame of them to just release some new maps and an "ant battle mode" in the latter one. Even Doom 2 had expansions released which were literally just new maps and textures.

    Microsoft aren't to blame, they only said "Well, if they can do it, so can I" just as the other companies would.

    Edit: Something I just discovered, Steam came out after the original Xbox Live service, meaning the idea of buying things and having access to them from your account (eg: buying the right to use a DLC expansion for your game that is tied to your account) was actually implemented by Microsoft before Valve.

  • I think your hate against M$ is unfounded Lucid, DLC can be free for Xbox games as well. For instance, I've had my indie games add new content in updates, and Super Meat Boy provides new map sets in their updates. I'm pretty sure it's the game companies that are usually happy to say "Okay, I'll charge a price for this", otherwise they would release the content, but at the lowest price possible (240 points, approximately $3).

    Not only that, PC has had countless "DLC" like content that was sold. They were called "expansion packs". The Sims PC games still get away with selling stuff like "New shoes!", usually for much higher prices than DLC in console games.

    Sure, the services are free on other consoles/systems, but Xbox includes all of those services and adds additional ones all the time using the money it recieves from its members. PSN Plus is pretty much Sonys way of collecting money to improve PSN. Free is great, but once Sony sells all of their PS3's there wont be any reason (or money) in keeping it going past making a cut on transactions.

    Lets compare the Xbox Live services with Steams services:

    You can't buy music with Steam, you can with Xbox Live.

    You can't watch tv and rent movies on Steam, you can with Xbox Live.

    You can't rate your games and content with Steam, you can with Xbox Live.

    You can't video chat on Steam, you can with Xbox Live.

    Steam doesn't have these services (nor PSN + Steam that is also in a consistent layout), Xbox Live does. That's what some of the $40 a year goes towards.

    I'm much more of a PC gamer, so I know what I can get for free, but Xbox Live is usually a much tidier way to play the games without any hastle or worrying if my PC specs are too low/drivers are out of date. Plus, I like talking to my friends in a party of 8 while we all play different games without causing any lag ingame.

  • I did a quick search and found this Python module: http://pyserial.sourceforge.net/pyparallel.html

    Hopefully it does what you'd like, it'd be cool to see some DIY stuff controlled through Construct

  • Hmm, now it looks like a bug with the LOS behaviour. I've had similar problems in my game using LOS

    Maybe have a variable "HasLOS" for each object, then check if that variable is true. Then, outside of the for loop have the condition "En6box Has LOS to Player" and action "HasLOS = True" and then another condition below "Else" with action "HasLOS = False".

  • I love that art style. I'll definitely try this game out

    Thanks for sharing Crazy!

  • I've got it! The problem is in spawn another object event! It seems that only one enemy could be a "bulletspawner" at the same time! Any suggestions how to fix it?

    Create a "For each object" loop and select the shooters. Then put your shooting event inside of that loop. This will make each enemy shoot when they have LOS.

  • Only 10 days before the end of this first edition of the One Buck Challenge!!

    Are you working on something yet ?!

    I'd love to get something going myself for this, but I have to find time between exams ).

  • Ohh, that might be because you have to add them to your project first or something along those lines. I forget how to do that at the moment but I'll have a look later for you.

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  • 3D/2D shooter platformer.

    That looks awesome I'm guessing it's pre-rendered sprites (that is, if it has animations)?

  • Can you post a screenshot of that situation? It sounds like they are blocking each others line of sight if they are all solid and your line of sight behaviour says to collide with solids.