> > Light object can do things Sprite can't. If I remember correctly, Sprite doesn't work with Shadow Caster.
> >
> I thought the light object was the source, and a sprite must have the shadow caster behavior to create shadows
This thread about the same thing was created recently:
Yeah, I had suggested the same solution to that problem as well.
Here is a cap I made to show how to use a sprite to graphically represent a light object: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4714446/LightWithASprite.cap
As shown, the resizing of the light requires recalculation of shadow depth each tick. To support multiple/dynamic lights, you can use a circular sprite that further surrounds the each light to check for collisions. If an object is in that circle, then it recieves its shadow from that light (this does create a limit of one light acting on an object at a given time, but should be able to be counteracted by using fake "baked" shadowmaps and lighting for static map objects).