Jayjay's Forum Posts

  • That's alot of nested for loops you use there. I'm not sure but I think they'd work better as actual sub-events for each loop rather than all being in the same one.

    Edit: Also, that Repeat 2 times event is triggered every tick. This means in 2 ticks it will perform those actions 4 times. Maybe add a trigger once to the top of the conditions for that, or have it as a function called once (and then on called > repeat 2 times).

  • C2 doesn't do any 3D at the moment. This may change if a WebGL exporter is made, but for now you can only create 2D sprites from your 3D models (using your 3d modeller).

  • You could calculate the ratio of X to O's in a single line, then expand accordingly. Then do this for every line.

    eg: 4:1 then divide the new line size by 5. 4* that are X, 1* that are O.

  • Any word on if this is going to require internet connection for most functions?

    Looks like it, the page says this "Keep enjoying Carbyn offline and auto-sync when connected"

  • Maybe try picking the nearest solid object, and calculating the angle difference between it and your character object (eg: GravAngle).

    Then move your object at your chosen speed (eg: GravSpeed) towards this angle:

    X = Character.X + GravSpeed * Cos(GravAngle - 90)

    Y = Character.Y + GravSpeed * Sin(GravAngle - 90)

    Might need some tinkering for calculating the angle difference, and whether or not the - 90 is required though (as this is used to move at the angle an object is facing).

  • Why not go in the application properties and disable the window edges, then make the "window" the size of the whole screen?

  • Very cool, thanks for this Chrisbrobs =]

  • It probably is, but you can still do something like that just using events. This shows what you want.

  • Ah, that could be it. Although I don't understand why it says it's a virus. Might be because it notices the other files aren't present.

  • Very cool, I remember when you showed the first version. Are you planning on releasing them someday? =]

  • Does he run a different OS version, or architecture (32bit/64bit)?

  • There's GameDevelop, which exports to Linux, which usually ends up having a distribution on every computer ever made. Check that out here.

    Edit: Or, there's C2, which will eventually have more exporters, and hopefully a whole SDK for making exporters. Thus, C2 will be able to export to any device someone writes an exporter for =]

  • Last words. After spending years in klick%play (or click&create - depends on the country), MMF, MMF2 and almost two hours in GM i can say CC and C2 are two best things that could happen for amatour game developer.


    But yeah, C2 is going to have more exporters, once HTML5 is done. Not only that, there will be an exporter sdk to make your own. You could have C2 export to the T-81 Calculator if you spent the (huge amounts of) time.

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  • When the ball collides with a solid or wall object, set its angle to

    Ball.Angle + 160 + random(40)

    That will change its direction by 160 to 200 degrees.

    Next use an always event to move it by private variable "Speed"

    X = Ball.X + Speed * Cos(Ball.Angle - 90)

    Y = Ball.Y + Speed * Sin(Ball.Angle - 90)

    Hope that helps!

  • Ok folks I'm back. I had a lot of stuff (bad stuff) going on in my life recently so the last thing I was thinking of is that contest.

    Now that I'm single again, I'll take the time to check out what's been going on with Scirra (the website changed and *WHHAATT* there are limitations on the free version of C2), etc.

    So tonight I'm getting drunk, but tomorrow I'll post the rules for the september contest. The contest will take place between Sept. 25 and October 2nd.

    Sorry to hear Djordhan =/

    Looking forward to the contest though.