I would love too, but my linux still is minimal. The game was compiled using NodeWebkit. I don't think the game needs to be installed. However you might need to set the permission in Linux to be executable.
In the mean time you can play online at clay.io/game/thebluecode
Thank you. That's very much appreciated. We did a lot on the sound, but unfortunately we were time constrained. The room your probably referring to is the Kitchen :| I'm wanting to add some volume controls for FX, Music and the voice element. Thank. the comments were really really appreciated :)
Actually to expand on what has been done. Much of TBC was written to be designer friendly. it's possible to put together a P&C using the core components of TBC. But along with that there was a lot of work into the details of the audio. Enough in fact that I've started putting together an C2 Audio Engine to take advantage of the Advanced Audio api. I personally found the advanced effects to be difficult to work with and manage. So i'm working on a designer friendly system. it's still int he works right now. But a small taste of the audio system is to turn up your speaks a bit more and do stuff in the various room of the castle :D.
We included reverb, muting effects, hollow effects, and distance based audio. best off the distance audio is no more than 2 instructiosn. Drag and Drop, then name the audio file. Then we have options in the sprite to define the working :D