jayderyu's Forum Posts

  • statham

    There are a lot of guidlines for mobile performance. Share your capx and then people can take a look.

  • Represents the apx use of memory after the images and audio are loaded and expanded for use.

  • ??? what technology do you speak? We are missing some information :)

  • This is a really cool app program. I think you should take it all the way :)

  • this is psuedo of course and you will need fine tune.

    If(Camera.X > limit) camera.X = 0

    If(camera.x < 0) camera.x = limit

    do the same for Y

  • 1. This strangly get's asked often. Is it possible?

    In regards to game play the answer is ALWAYS YES. It's number 2 you need to focus on.

    2. You need more details. Do you need save this world? can players go back?

    Either way just design the world by a 3x3 grid of large space. When player moves from 1 grid area to another create new world on the edge of new space.

    There are 2 approaches you can do.

    1. Move the player and recenter when changing grid areas.

    2. the world moves around the player.

    however I don't believe anyone really has done this in C2 so i don't think there will be any examples. But I could be wrong.

  • No more than what every other developer has to face with or without C2.

    Since your going the way of PC then I really don't see much concern. Just keep watching your FPS and test often like every designer.

  • After this post I made a thread on the subject "A call for Modularity" Ashley made a reply. Double edges of course :D

    The ideas are in the works, however since this would require doing a structural change to C2 egnine; this is not in the near future :( I'm glad it's on the to do list, but this will be a while. It's sad because to me I feel the lack of easy modularity is the last bit holding C2 back from reaching the last hurdle to move from "toy" making tool and move onto playing with the big boys.

    it's likely Multiplayer will be approached first(not that I'm happy about the approach), but i feel the modularity in place now would benefit everyone. oh well. It will come it's just patience now :)

  • you can't actually do much with ragdol physics. The purpose of a ragdoll is to move, fall and throw to have ragdoll limb flailing effect.

    Games that use the same model have a rig attached to them to controll when it's ragdoll more or controll mode. C2 has no built in rigging for physics so you really can't make a classic style game. but you certainly can make ragdoll games :D

  • What do you want to talk about in regards to Sci-Fi?

    My favourite is that all Sci-Fi technologies will probably not be the technologies used in the future.

    A few of my favourites

    Particle Physics will likely produce/collect infinite energey from the universe itself. The Earth as example is a massive electrical battery as is the solar system.

    Myth of propulsion. it's likely that the future of travel will be based on Einstein Field Theories rather than any form of rocketry. So isntead of PUSHING our selves through space we will instead just warp time and space around us. Actually Hitchikers Guide to to Universe Imporbability Drive is probably going to be the closest to galactic travel than any Sci-Fi writer as written :D

    Currently there companies that are making digitials displays on near paper this cloth.

    Sci-Fi in a hundred years would blow the mind away of many sci-fi writers of today :D

    Sci-Fi is my favorite genre. both hard sci-fi and fantasy Fi

  • lucid

    Nice update :)

    :D so when will the character map version of the plugin be coming :)

  • Do you have the details on the Intel GPU. Also driver version for your graphics chip. Also could you check to see if the game will run by way of FireFox(which I think is installed with Ubuntu).

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  • onur

    Thanks for the info. that is really interesting. So I turned on the debugger for the game to see what was going on.

    While watching the system the game fluctuates between 10% to 20%(not counting basic rendering). Once the Glitch loads it spends some time to load glitch into memory. This does boost the CPU usage up to about %55. Of course these values are only on my computer other computers will vary. It is interesting though that tests on my tablet run the game. I will look into this and see what can be for that hard spot to load the glitch.

    Can I get a run down of your OS and system specs?

  • onur

    I would love too, but my linux still is minimal. The game was compiled using NodeWebkit. I don't think the game needs to be installed. However you might need to set the permission in Linux to be executable.

    In the mean time you can play online at clay.io/game/thebluecode


    Thank you. That's very much appreciated. We did a lot on the sound, but unfortunately we were time constrained. The room your probably referring to is the Kitchen :| I'm wanting to add some volume controls for FX, Music and the voice element. Thank. the comments were really really appreciated :)


    Actually to expand on what has been done. Much of TBC was written to be designer friendly. it's possible to put together a P&C using the core components of TBC. But along with that there was a lot of work into the details of the audio. Enough in fact that I've started putting together an C2 Audio Engine to take advantage of the Advanced Audio api. I personally found the advanced effects to be difficult to work with and manage. So i'm working on a designer friendly system. it's still int he works right now. But a small taste of the audio system is to turn up your speaks a bit more and do stuff in the various room of the castle :D.

    We included reverb, muting effects, hollow effects, and distance based audio. best off the distance audio is no more than 2 instructiosn. Drag and Drop, then name the audio file. Then we have options in the sprite to define the working :D

  • Here is an interesting post.


    It works in reverse. instead of limiting FPS down. The idea is to instead always run the game logic at 25FPS and visual updates are rendered as fast as possible. however the interesting part is that if the game rendered less than 25FPS the game logic is still at 25FPS. This is pretty much more ideal in design.

    A game logic flow always needs to be at a solid rate. This model could certainly achieve the desires of everyone on the list here.

    Visual the game udpates as fast as possible, but logic is always set. This means even if the game hits heavy render areas where the game can slow down to a crawl logic still flows the same AND this means the game play remains smooth no matter what is happening.

    This sounds like an ideal goal.

    The Gameloop in question is the last one in the list. I think Ashley should check it out. Because let's be honest it's not that we want less FPS, we just want to maintain smooth game play and to do that we would reduce how often to render, but the reverse can also be true AND it could work well cross platform :)