What do you want to talk about in regards to Sci-Fi?
My favourite is that all Sci-Fi technologies will probably not be the technologies used in the future.
A few of my favourites
Particle Physics will likely produce/collect infinite energey from the universe itself. The Earth as example is a massive electrical battery as is the solar system.
Myth of propulsion. it's likely that the future of travel will be based on Einstein Field Theories rather than any form of rocketry. So isntead of PUSHING our selves through space we will instead just warp time and space around us. Actually Hitchikers Guide to to Universe Imporbability Drive is probably going to be the closest to galactic travel than any Sci-Fi writer as written :D
Currently there companies that are making digitials displays on near paper this cloth.
Sci-Fi in a hundred years would blow the mind away of many sci-fi writers of today :D
Sci-Fi is my favorite genre. both hard sci-fi and fantasy Fi