Looked great, and felt really nice playing.
negative points:
click to continue (texts) add skip, took me a bit to find out I can click it more often and was annoyed it took so long ... frustratingly clicking continue revealed skip option :)
Some of the humor isnt really funny(to me) and was tedious to read. (look, it skipped :D)
I have to say, there is this odd sense of out of place when that floating thing starts to explain where it was from.
The two gaurds, seemed ugly compared to the rest of the levels artistry.
Positive points:
Absolutely adored the jibberish mumbling.
Awesome use of background / depth.
Very good game style (click, move, interact etc etc)
Suggestion: instead of drag drop item from back pack, left click select, then left click character to give (transparent auto drag on click left perhaps ?) drag and drop is nice, but it poofs to your backpack, no reason it cant **** to a character :)