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  • Ah I see! That's interesting, although not perfect it's a nice workaround and solved my problem.

    It would be nice though if we had a similar functionality in the Add layer dialog box.

    Thank you Ashley!

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  • So, at first, when I read about this new feature I thought I could add any layer that were pre-created in the editor and would be able to instantiate all objects that were included in that layer, automatically.

    Turns out for my surprise this isn't the case. It just creates an empty new layer and that's it.

    I think the new dynamic layer feature would be more powerful if it instantiated the objects included in that layer.

    Am I using it wrong or did I misunderstand the real purpose of dynamic layers?

  • Thank you so much guys! Got it working now!

    It turned out that I was loading an intermediary layout (my custom loading screen) and then immediately triggering the image loading actions on start of layout. Adding a 'Wait 0 seconds' to wait for the end of frame did the trick.

  • Hm, I'll try testing the project on a live environment.

    But adding up some more information, the expression 'LoadingProgress' for Loader Layouts is incrementing as it's supposed to behave. I know they are two different expressions but they sort of do the same thing. So, I don't know if the problem is due to running the project locally.

    *Edit: Tested and it's the same. Checked the 'ImageLoadingProgress' on every tick and it just starts and continues at 1. Also added 'Wait for previous action' and I can clearly notice a delay, meaning the system is indeed loading the images. Only the expression doesn't return its current progress.

  • Hey, anybody having the same issue? ImageLoadingProgress always returning 1. It doesn't show progression.

    I'm firing the 'Load layout images' action and it does load them correctly. It's just that the 'ImageLoadingProgress' expression only returns 1. Ultimately it's just for cosmetic purposes as I wanted to display to the user a loading bar feedback. But anyways, wanted to know if it happens only on my end or should I file a bug.

  • Your Android and iOS Applications IDs should be the ones you get from Admob, after creating your apps there. It's like this: ca-app-pub-***************~**********

  • Change your formula for the following:

    lerp(Self.Width, min(610 * (PlayerExp/ExpNeeded), 610), dt * 2)

    *Edit: fixed the correct formula

  • There is a workaround I've done to create the exact same thing you want.

    You can check my game if you'd like to see how it behaves.

    So, here's what I did:

    - Add a DrawingCanvas plugin into your project, place it in your scene, adjust the size/position, and disable its visibility.

    - At the desired moment in your code, use the Paste object action from DrawingCanvas and add all the objects you want to be shown in your downloaded image. Then use the Save image action which is going to save your current canvas image.

    - Finally, after waiting for that action to finish (whether using Wait action or On saved image trigger) you can call the Invoke download action from the Browser object passing DrawingCanvas.SavedImageURL expression in the URL field.

    Well, that's pretty much it. I hope I was clear enough :)

  • I was hitting my head on this wall a few days ago.

    What I've done to solve this was wrapping all variables using the URLEncode system expression. So your AJAX action would be like this:

    DOMAIN_SCORES & "savescores.php?name=" & URLEncode(txtPlayerName.Text) & "&score=" & URLEncode(str(Score))

    *Note also that you need to convert your integer/float Score to a string.

  • What's the audio format and the size of your sound?

    Does this happen to any sound you import into the project?

  • Then to load the image to your Sprite, use the Load image from URL event from your Sprite Object and pass CanvasSnapshot in the URI field.

  • Yes, there is! Check the "Taking screenshots" demo:

  • ...but not during the game.

    By this, do you mean after exporting the game?

  • Nefron89 Forgot to mention that it is actually a Chrome "problem". They have changed autoplay policies since 2018:

    So, you can use one of the PabloDev solutions.

  • What I usually do to "fix" this problem, is to have a Loader Layout and display a "Touch to start" text to force the user to make the first input.