influogames's Forum Posts

  • I struggle with the XML road.

    So, if you want to understand better how the XML works, I recommend you to read the XML manual from Construct website. Then, you'll notice the following phrase from there:

    It uses XPath to access the XML document.

    Then, check this website to understand XPath. It is quite simple with lots of examples and shouldn't take you too much time.

    Okay, having said that... The XML syntax follows a hierarchical rule. When you want to retrieve a value from an XML element you need to correctly follow the path from your nested tags. For example:

    Imagine you want to get the value from the tag <A> which is within the tag <1>. Because <A> is nested within <1>, and <1> is nested within <Niveau>, you have to follow the hierarchical path. That's why the path to get the StringValue is "/Niveau/1/A/text()".


    Instead of "1" and "A" I want to put the name of the sprite in the XML line.

    From what I understand, you would like to do this?

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  • So, firstly, you need to load your XML file using AJAX. And then you can use one of the XML expressions (NumberValue or StringValue) to retrieve your data. For example: Xml.StringValue("/Niveau/1/A/text()").

    I guess you have looked on this tutorial right?

    I think it does a good job guiding you step by step. But if you still can't make your game work, come back here again!

  • Well, based on the images there's nothing wrong with your settings. Unless you have set the particle's Timeout to 0, or the sprite "Als..." which you are spawning the particle from, is off screen.

    Or maybe, even simpler, you have not placed an instance of your particle in any layout.

  • Having said that, I agree that for a starting user or for someone who doesn't know about coding may think function maps are too confusing and even overkill, demanding a lot more typing than using a bunch of if-elses. And for a small project it is true indeed.

    But, for a huge game with lots of levels, upgrades, skills, and so on, mapping functions to execute similar actions with different parameters will be a huge boost in your coding process and also with readability and maintenance (just like the JSON dialogue system Laura_D has pointed).

    So, what I really wanted to say is that function maps (along with the scripting feature) is a powerful tool that allows us to make bigger projects, and elevates Construct 3 level against other competitor game engines.

  • Well, I see function maps as a form of polymorphism concept. But that's because I come from an object-oriented programming language background. So, for me it is a very interesting way to make your code more extendable, like, making your functions more reusable. I think it could also be useful to implement delegates/callbacks (or at least a resemblance of that).

  • To help you out we would need a screenshot of your particle's properties and maybe the events related to your particle.

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  • Yeah, use the round() function as blackhornet said.

    So your final action would be:

    	Txt_Exp3: Set text to round(ContadorExperiencia / Experiencia * 100) & "%"

    No need to multiply again by 1 as you did in your current code.

  • Here's what I've done:

    (I'm not being able to upload images)

    At least, it worked for me.

  • I would do a similar approach. I would create a variable in ParticleSmoke, like projectilesUID. Then on Projectiles | On created event, pass the Projectiles UID to that variable.

    Finally, after this event of yours:

    Projectiles | StateFSM = 2

    Projectiles | DistanceTravled >= 2000

    Add a sub-event with the following:

    ParticleSmoke | projectileUID = Projectiles.UID -> ParticleSmoke | Destroy

  • Hey Microbex. So, in your current code you are telling the program to destroy all ParticleSmokes whenever that specific condition is met. You either need to get a reference to the ParticleSmoke you want to destroy (e.g.: check for the object's UID, store a variable referencing the object, etc) or you can try to implement a Container.

  • Hey DogeDev, leaderboards are not implemented in the new arcade yet. See this post:

  • Hey guys!

    For anyone interested in developing or publishing a Tower Defense game, I'm offering a service on Fiverr.

    You can just buy the game as it is, or I can help you bring your ideas to life!

    * Prices could be as low as $5 *

    I've been working with game development for more than 6 years and I have an extensive knowledge developing and publishing games for Android, iOS and Web/HTML5 platforms.

    Check it out:

    Thank you!

    Edit: added prices info.

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  • Which angles are wrong? Could you share a screenshot of any example, let's say... what happens when you try to move "South" or somenthing? And if you could share your project it would definitely help us understand better and provide you a solution.