influogames's Forum Posts

  • Yeah... the values are in fact a little confusing, it seems that some events are in conflict with each other. Try to organize them in clockwise orientation, like: 0-45, 45-90, 90-135 and so on. It will also help you with code readability.

  • Include an "Else" in every event after the first one. This way the program will check one by one which event satisfies the given conditions, and will not execute subsequent ones.

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  • System> Compare: distance(character.x,character.y,mouse.x,mouse.y) > 40 [AND] Character> booleanIsRunning (I have other booleans for wipeouts and gameOver) ... Character> Set bullet speed 100, Set bullet angle to angle(character.x/.y,mouse.x/.y)

    So, based on the info you could provide, basically, you could just add a "Else" after that block of code.

    The intended behaviour is just to move and stop the character. So, using "Else" means that whenever any of the "moving" conditions aren't met, it should stop.

  • Agora que lembrei, você pode utilizar uma outra técnica que é criar um Tiled Background ao invés de um Sprite, e aplicar o movimento alterando o "Image offset" dele.

    Eu criei um jogo utilizando essa técnica (é só clicar em Live Preview). Você pode ver isso aplicado no movimento do fundo.

    Pra programar isso é praticamente a mesma coisa, só que ao invés de modificar a posição X, você modificar o ImageOffsetX:

    System | Every tick -> BG | Set image X offset to Self.ImageOffsetX + ("valor da velocidade") * dt

    E pra checar o loop você chama "System - Compare two values":

    System | BG.ImageOffsetX < "valor da largura da sua imagem" -> BG | Set image X offset to 0

    Vê se isso funciona pra você.

  • Entendi... estranho, porque eu já criei um jogo antigamente com parallax (vou ver se consigo achar por aqui). Se você puder compartilhar um pedaço maior do seu código ou até mesmo o projeto poderia te ajudar melhor.

  • Hey lincolnsalles, most probably, the problem is on this code:

    BG - x- <512 / BG - Setx to BG.x + 1024

    / chao - Setx to chao.x + 1024

    You are telling the program to Set the X for both objects whenever the BG's X position meets the desired condition.

    So, for example: if you change the "chao" speed to be slower than "BG", when "BG" X position is lower than 512, both ("BG" and "chao") will have their positions changed.

    To fix that, you will have to check the condition for each object individually. For example:

    BG - x-< 512 / BG - Set X to BG.x + 1024

    chao - x-< 512 / chao - Set X to chao.x + 1024

    Note: To avoid repeating yourself to every single object, you can make use of Families.

  • You could create, for example, a global variable keeping track of the amount of items you need to get. Then, after getting that certain amount, call System -> Create object.

  • I tried to do it with functions but when I take out the "Trigger Once" when it is in the attack frame, it subtracts the slime life several times instead of only one.

    Instead of "Trigger once", add "On frame changed" condition (from your "CarmesyButterfly"). It will behave like trigger once but it will check for each individual instance of your object.

    and the damage in the area was that when hitting, it hits everything it reaches and not one by one.

    As far as I understand, you could create a boolean in your "CbDañoLanza", let's say, "hasHit". Then, set it to true after hitting the first enemy. You also have to check against that boolean in your "Slime - On Collision with CbDañoLanza" so it will not affect other enemy instances.

    I've got similar problems when I was developing my TD game as well 😅. Check it out if you have some time!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Ultimate Tower Defense - Now for sale in the Scirra Store

    With this template you can create your next super cool Tower Defense game! It already comes with 6 progressive levels, with tutorials, so you can just use it as it is.

    Full game source with assets, highly editable and customizable!

    Built-in Level Editor included! Just drag and drop and build your own map easily.

    Developed with Construct 2 and Construct 3.


    • Complete game (6 levels, 5 unique turrets, 5 enemies, upgrades, level-up and much more)
    • All source code included (CAPX and C3P)
    • Level editor included – Simple, intuitive and user-friendly tool
    • Construct 3 optimized (no plugins and C3 runtime enabled)
    • Clean, organized and commented code
    • Easy to reskin – PSD layered files included
    • Easily edit and customize the game as you wish
    • Local data save/load management
    • HTML5 mobile ready – Play everywhere (smartphones, tablets, desktops, etc)
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    Thank you!

  • Thank you for clarifying Tom! Glad to hear the store is in the works.

  • So, as far as I know, the Scirra Store was created in order to help developers to monetize their creations due to the difficulty of finding good sources of monetisations for HTML5 games. And, of course, it was a way to spread the word for the Construct 2.

    Well, it has been almost 10 years since then, many things have changed, but most importantly, Construct 3 was released and so the company goals and focus.

    Thus, that's my question as the title says. Can we still rely on selling assets in there? Is it still relevant? Will it be shut down as the Construct 2? Or there are better alternatives like CodeCanyon,

    I don't know if Laura_D could help with these questions?

  • Revolution - Now for sale in the Scirra Store

    Revolution is a fast reaction game with a unique mechanic which you rotate and destroy platforms by jumping on them.

    Full game source with assets! Highly editable and customizable!

    Developed with Construct 2 and optimized for Construct 3 (C3 runtime!).


    • Unique game mechanic
    • All source code included (CAPX and C3P)
    • Construct 3 optimized (no plugins, C3 runtime)
    • Clean, organized and commented code
    • Easy to reskin: PSD layered files included
    • Built in 48 levels: Easily editable through JSON
    • HTML5 mobile ready: Play everywhere (smartphones, tablets, desktops, etc)
    • Local data save/load management
    • Supports multiple screen sizes
    • Detailed project documentation
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  • I hope in Construct 3 we won't have this issues. It's not intuitive at all!

    Everything in the layout is reset to initial state except the layers and if you want something to persist there are a couple of options like the persist behaviour and the global attribute. So.. it's really confusing, not to mention the double work you have to do, setting every single layer to visible and invisible.