Okay, I was actually researching a lot of videos and tutorials, seeing various ways to do this, I saw that I was really forgetting to multiply by dt (delta time). Nor was I referring to the set x the object's own position. Now it worked and see how my code is now: (I'm not able to post the photo)
System - Every tick / BG - Set x to BG.x-400 * dt
/ chao - Set x to chao.x-400 * dt
BG - x- <512 / BG - Setx to BG.x + 1024
/ chao - Setx to chao.x + 1024
As you can see, I just didn't create the variable, I used the normal engine speed and it worked. It worked ok. But it had worked out before in other ways. But a problem remains.
See that I have two layers, the floor and the BG (bottom). If I just change the speed of one of them to simulate a parallax, then it causes an error in everything and the type of a bug, which is all disconnected and becomes a huge white hole. If I return the two equal speeds it will be fine. I'm still trying to work this out.
Thank you for your help. Now I have to resolve the speed difference issue, because I want 5 layers. But it is not working even with two.