imperror's Forum Posts

  • There are few dropshadow addons (like this ) , but i believe it will not look good in this case.

    Best way is probably to pre-draw them , and change animation frames depending on light source position.

  • Construct 3 is backwards-compatible with Construct 2, so if you get Construct 3 license - you can import your project in it, edit, export , sell it, etc.

  • This should help, not construct 3 , still events are the same

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Didn't really got what do you mean by tilemap sprite, normal tilemap does not have a configurable colission box as far as i can see.

    First of all you can try to change jump-thru to solid and check if anything changes.

    Also you can try to disable platform behaiviour by default and make the following : on start of layout -> wait 1.0 sec -> enable platform behaiviour, and see if anything changes.

    As a work-around, you can use normal sprites with a jump-thru behaiviour with 0% opacity and place them under the platform image.

  • Something like this :

    The shadow would be the exact same shape as the sprite with a different color and offset by few pixel.

    Take a look at this addon

  • It would be great if you post example project file, or illustration for what you want to achive. Probably you are looking for this?

  • Hi, I'm fairly new to construct and I was wondering how would I make player dig one block at a time sort of like 2D minecraft.

    There is a standart example on construct 3 named "Procedural Terrain Generation"

  • Thank you! That is what i was looking for, for some reason i was not able to google them.

  • We are team of two friends, experienced construct/web developer and a friend of mine - gamedesigner who is responsible for the rest :)

    We are encouraged to create a neon, retro styled multiplayer shooter , yet unnamed ( but probably "Neon Butcher") .

    You can take a look at the early stage demo on arcade here

    We are looking for a volonteer pixel artist who can join a team for free / limited payment. We are from Ukraine, so communication is possible in English or Ukrainian.

    Have a good day :)

  • Hi there!

    I'm looking for an effect of a CRT television, something like the following effect. Main point is that it should be a shader on a mask object and not a layer/layout effect. Would be lovely if somebody can share such.

    I was trying to port the linked effect to construct 3 , still resulted in instable work and visual artifacts regardless of project settings and browser. I can share adapted files if somebody can try to help with it.

    Video from an original effect author

    Subscribe to Construct videos now


  • Hi there!

    What i am doing is calling "for each" to get each intance of enemy synced in multiplayer built with Photon. As by now - following events are causing each object to sync within a single tick each 0.04 seconds , which causes a small lag (instant freeze at the moment of sync) when amount of objects is going higher than ~20.

    How can it be optimized so each instance will have it's own timer and they will not try to sync within the same milisecond.

    Thank you guys in advance! :)

  • Now i'll try to update c2 to last version and save and transfer .capx one more time

  • Also, do you have two GPU's in the laptop? If so, try disabling the internal (usually Intel) GPU.

    No, i have only one GPU. I think it's .capx issue coused by in-editor object size. If i'm creating new TiledBackground - It work's normal.

  • It's mostly likely a graphics driver bug from the looks of it. Run an upgrade and try it again.

    No. I reinstalled all video drivers and DirectX and it's same. Any idea what to do?

  • Few days ago, i bought new PC. I installed c2 on it and open my game. In the editor tiled background look like on screenshot

    What can i do with that? It's c2 bug or my problem?

    P.S. My new laptop has another screen size