imperror's Forum Posts

  • You have probably understood the point wrong, remote preview does work.

    First you launch it, and it works. Few minutes after - i refresh window with f5 or by opening a new window and entering the link, and all what i can see is this:

  • Here is an error i'm getting

    I assume it's not a matter of firewall/antiwirus/routing as far no configuration changes were done to above. I have tried another browser to remove the factor of cache and cookies. Still the same, and does that with any project, including the examples.

    Around 4 minutes after preview first launched, opening a link in new window gives an error.

  • Probably system -> on resumed.

    There is also system -> on suspended

  • Construct 3 remote preview fails for me if i try to open a link in few minutes after creating, gives an error join-failed, before it was working.

    Is it for everybody or just for me?

  • Project properties on construct, Viewport fit -> Cover , does that for me

  • You do not have permission to view this post

  • Yes, there is a .c3addon file in a zip for c3

  • Download photon addon from official site

    There is a latest version.

    There are quite clear examples comming with an addon.

    Photon does not implement complex multiplayer logic, it just provides you a way to send some data between all the clients. I.e. for each player every 0.15 seconds you send event to move player , with data "Player.X | Player.Y | Player.ID" when anybody receive this event, he moves required sprite to coordinates received.

    You can send anything as the data, even binary if required.

  • It does work. Still i would not recommend official multiplayer plugin usage for a real time shooter. As far as for smooth experience in such games latency should be not higher than ~100 ms, which is hard to achieve with this kind of an architecture (direct p2p with NAT traversal).

    Best solution i found so far is a WebSockets and Node.JS backend.

    In this case you are fully responsible on hosting it where you want, maintaining it as you want, developing server logic as you want. Which is relativly hard, but gives you 100% of control over you product.

    In case if you don't want to dive into it - there is a less complicated option - Photon Engine, still using it you are relying entirely on their services availability. So if they have lags - you have lags, and there is barely anything you can do about it.

    If it's a really small game with no competition, or you can afford to have 100 ms desync you can actually go with official plugin, it does work perfectly if really low latency is not required.

  • You can load a labirynth state from an array.

    0 = empty

    1 = wall

    2 = starting position

    3 = exit point











    The array you can generate in-game if you want, or using some external tool, or probably even some AI model like chat-gpt. Explain it the task, some conditions you want to keep when generating labirynth, and probably it will give you some proper generations.

    You can take a look at this to have a general idea :

    The solutions above does not involve array, still using it - it will be more controlled, if required.

  • Found out an interesting results, function is actually called twice, still local variable seems to not be local enough. So it does add-up second call params to the first ones. Now it's fixed, and probably resolves MANY issues i was investigating on earlier :)

  • Try Construct 3

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  • For some reason second call of the function is not being executed ( regardless of which one is second). Why is that? I have absolutely no idea.

  • Do you have the same problem? Or is it only my case?

    I have just tried and i'm not experiencing a same issue.

    Try to open the c3 in anonymous mode of chrome to check if cache and cookies does affect it. Or try with another device/browser.

    Probably you do use cyrillic/special characters in your signing key details? I believe they are restricted.

  • No idea why is that not working, still as a work around - you can generate keystore with java tools outside of a construct 3 and later import it to there.

  • Your current conditions seems to be quite complicated for the specified task, seems that animation is being started many times, so timer is being reset.

    Use "System - trigger once" condition when starting animation , or just start it upon a collision which is a one-time trigger event ( green arrow indicates that ).