imperror's Forum Posts

  • Concept 1 will not work as soon when phone is locked unfortunately, due to cordova limitations. Generally should probably be done with the accelerometer data.

    Concept 2 It is possible to send some push notifications with some third party services via js api but it brings you back to problem with concept one , as far as app can not properly run in a background.

    Still idea is cool , and you can probably easily create it with more standart and application(not a game) focused tools like Android studio/Xcode.

  • You can use 8dir with virtual joystick, just make a sprite with 8dir simulate control according to joystick position

  • It is definitely possible, how you do it - depends on what you're using, web sockets, ajax, e.t.c.

    Core idea - you can save world map state as an array converted to json , or other JSON , or XML, or CSV or any other format and than transfer it via your's multiplayer connection.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Right click on "+Add action" and select a relevant option

  • Try to add code snippet to the actions , not below the condition

  • You can try to use custom movement behaviour to make them move towards player and solid behaviour to avoid overlapping, probably it will work properly

  • Bullet -> set angle -> Player.angle

    Or if you don't change player angle - simply do if player mirrored - bullet set angle 180

  • Issue is solved, SSL sertificate was not properly installed on a server. For it to work on an android webview you should also have the chain with intermediate certificates installed on server.

  • For some reason i'm not able to succesfully connect to my ws server using the default WebSocket plugin. It does fails upon a connection attempt when it's a signed release android app bundle. Works perfectly if it's a debug apk or html5 over https. Any idea how it can be fixed? I believe it is an issue with a self signed ssl sertificate, maybe i can somehow make cordova ignore ssl error or attach a sertificate within an app?

    Here is an error itself, viewed from a Chrome debug tools, release signed apk is distributed via google play internal testing track.

    Here is a working demo which succesfully connects to the wss server:


    Same problem topic i found, but construct 3 should give android.permission.INTERNET by default , right?

  • Hey! I'm looking for people to join a beta test of my multiplayer shooter game. Planned for tommorow 20:00 GMT+3

    Would like to test stability of the multiplayer and smoothness of the gameplay.

    Here you can find a gameplay video of the game:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    Here is a countdown timer for your convenience, also there is a discord link on a web site for the coordination and chat upon a test.

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  • Here is a rough example of how it can be done

    Click(touch) and hold for bots to pathfind to the touch x/y.

    They are following player by default. There are some issues in the example,

    still i believe they can be fixed if you will mess with it for some time.

    .c3p -

  • What is the best way to create physically interractable doors ( like in a hotline miami ) i have tried doing it with physics and revolute joint with immovable object, still sometimes player can be moved by the door for some reason (player mass is set to 20 while door's to 0.1). First you touch the door with player and it moves accordingly and then it bounces from the wall and moves player back. If setting player to immovable - he can drag a door with him.

    Also i was trying to build something with player movement vectors and custom movement behaviour for the door, but not yet managed to create a working example.

    Any ideas of what is the best way to do it? I would love to avoid using physics behaviour.

  • First of all - where do you want to post it?

    Likely you do need to export it first. If you dont want to share game source files.

    Menu-> Project-> Export , and from there you have a few ways.

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