Few days ago, i bought new PC. I installed c2 on it and open my game. In the editor tiled background look like on screenshot
What can i do with that? It's c2 bug or my problem?
P.S. My new laptop has another screen size
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It's mostly likely a graphics driver bug from the looks of it. Run an upgrade and try it again.
No. I reinstalled all video drivers and DirectX and it's same. Any idea what to do?
Post your.capx.
If it displays OK for us, then it is likely to be a GPU driver issue.
Also, do you have two GPU's in the laptop? If so, try disabling the internal (usually Intel) GPU.
No, i have only one GPU. I think it's .capx issue coused by in-editor object size. If i'm creating new TiledBackground - It work's normal.
Now i'll try to update c2 to last version and save and transfer .capx one more time