Guyon's Forum Posts

  • I have never once forgot to name my application. Hold over from other languages I guess.

    BUT If I had a dime for every time I saw, "A preview is already running. Please close this before previewing again." I could fly every one to Disney for a week end and have Construct conference in the Contemporary!

    Why do I keep forgetting to close my test game? Why? Why? Why? LOL

  • > 99.82 will not compile my specific game to run on an XP computer while 99.8 does.


    ...what about this build, 0.99.83?

    My current game will not run on any XP machine (5 tested so far) I tried both normal compiles and minimum XP operating system.

    It ran fine under .99.8, but under both 99.2 and 99.3 the second screen is all white.

    Note this game runs fine under vista and WIn7 under all construct versions.

    Sending you a link to the cap

  • Good to know. Will we be seeing the project posted later?

    Sure Anaxim, but noting special. The actual shield anim is junk just to test but good enough to let me know make the real effect.

    Hope this cap helps you.

    Note for the actual game I added rotation to the shield because it fit the ship's contour

  • You have plenty of frames of animation for that shield effect - you might just make it a separate animation call it "impact" or something and then set your collision event to start that animation. Then add another event for Animation over and set it back to the normal one. Hopefully that made some sense

    The separate animation did it. But instead of making another event to stop it I simply added a blank animation at the end. Works great now

  • I think I found what might be the direct problem - the condition is only present on collision. Set it to run a few ticks after as well, perhaps?

    Any suggestions on how to do that?

  • 99.82 will not compile my specific game to run on an XP computer while 99.8 does.

  • Hold a Mouse button to move.

    I got my shield to flash when it bumps a wall but want it to flash longer more like an electrical BUZZ!

    I doubled the animation objects 2,3,4 are the same as 4,5,6 which may not be necessary, but it was an attempt in making the animation run longer.

    Can anyone help me lengthen the shield flash when the ship bumps a wall?

    Capfile made with v99.83

  • Sent you the Cap File dead eye.

    Sorry about the files. my unzip makes a new folder under the name that it unzips so I just zip the files

  • What is this version 99.85 you keep speaking of?

    Oops .99.82 Bad memory LOL I guess it was wishful thinking for the next version.

    And also, I use Windows XP and I have projects with multiple layouts and included event sheets and I don't have this problem.

    I have tested this game on 3 XP computers and it has failed on all 3 at the seconds page. But if I compile under .99.8 it runs fine. So my exe runs fine for you Deadeye?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • This is my first game with construct so go easy on my LOL

    This game was built with .99.85 and should run fine on WIn7 and Vista but seems to have problems with XP. .99.8 runs fine on my XP

    I am interest if this .99.85 runs on anyone elses XP machines.

    Also it uses both keyboard and xBox controllers.

    Please post any glitches in the game, and or your best time for 10 laps

  • Continuing my tests the one game I am making seem not to work on any WIn XP computers built under .99.85 while it runs fine under .99.8

    Also noted that other programs compiled under .99.85 work fine on my XP computers.

    So what features in .99.85 hates WinXP? My thoughts at this point are that it might be Multiple layouts with Include Event sheets? Continuing to test to see what in .99.85 is conflicting with XP.

    Here is the exe for any XP people to look try

  • It happens madster. Been there done that.

    Thanks for the input.

    BTW sent you a PM days ago check you messages

  • It just made a great plugin AMAZING! WOW

  • I think, your Dell Inspirion have a problem.

    Reinstall driver and download DirectX or post the game here.

    I do not think that is it Turok, that is the generic answer.

    Update to the above:

    While my Dell wold not "fully" run my vista compile on v.99.82 It did run when I compiled it on my Dell under v.99.8

    I just installed v.99.82 on my Del XP Dell Inspirion9300 laptop and now my compiled program only partially runs like the Vista compile. So I am thinking something is up with a change in v.99.82

  • I am running Construct .099.82

    I have never had a problem running the compiled program on my Vista PC Desktop, nor my XP Desk Top. But I can not run a compiled Vista game on my XP Dell Inspirion9300 laptop.

    The Dell Inspirion 9300 laptop loads my compiled game's first Layout fine but when it goers to the second Layout all I see is a white page. Though if I compile the program on my Dell Inspirion then the game runs fine.

    I may be running 1 beta back on my Dell Inspirion and will check that tomorrow