Guyon's Forum Posts

  • This was hard to pick between Commadore 64 and Amiga. Of course the Amiga was incredible and had many advances that a MS PC could not even touch. But at the time C64 ruled.

    I think the 2 will split votes and it is not fair to put two machines form different era's in the mix. IN the end I picked the Amiga. Too bad Commodore could not market better.

  • Thanks deadeye, I see that now after doing a test. Which confuses me why my bad program ran both sub events at the same time.

    I have so much to learn about Construct. In a few cases real code is much easier to follow.

  • Thank you Arcticus (again) for the help but I will have to think about your solution. I really need to sit down and get my head around family, and unique ID's. They are a little confusing right now.

    But your solution may have solved my next step. I wanted to spawn many of those ships and the player keep them form crashing. I am guessing your solution will be the answer.

    Many thanks!

  • So the sub event is only for visual clarity? I was thinking it to be more like If the Event was true then continue with the sub event.

    If that is true we could really use a case statement.

    Oh and thank you for taking the time to explain that Arcticus.

  • What is the difference between


    and V3

    This type thing is the hardest for me to understand about construct. I have no clue when you want to add a "New sub event" as in V2 or lump them together as in V3

    BTW neither does what I want it to do hence my confusion. See:

    Angle of Motion Question

  • 10 second max for a clip with the majority being 5 seconds. We want to keep the attention of the viewers and make them want to see more. the max length of the preview shroud be 60 seconds.

    We need a good sound track started too.

  • What am I doing wrong? I want ONLY the Red or Blue sprite to change only when clicked on.

    The way I had it set up is you click and hold the mouse on a sprite and when released it will set it's new heading to the point where you release the mouse button. For some reason they both head to the mouse.

    I am guessing my problem stems from I can click anywhere and they respond. It is only supped to respond to the clicked on sprite

  • Really nice tutorials.

    Why are they not listed in the tutorial list?

  • Great idea!

    First and foremost there needs to be a guideline set up so everyone will produce to the same size and format. Then a real deadline (with timely reminders). I am sure people will forget or get busy. But this could really boost the user base.

  • I was using a custom movement but that worked great! Thanks!!!

  • Very cool example deadeye

  • What do I add for the Angle of Motion parameter if I want to to be the current mouse/cursor position?

    *and thanks all for not commenting on the topic mistype. LOL

  • While it looks like there is a bug, I have not seen it on my game and I have tested it a lot wiht the Xbox 360 controller.

    I did have problems when I used a clone Xbox 360 controller under WinXP. It was very flaky and would not work at all on one of the WinXP machines, until I switched to an Official Xbox 360 controller. It now is rock solid and plays perfectly.

    So whether I just had a bad clone controller or MS made sure theirs works better I can't say. But the problem only occurred while testing it on 2 WinXP machines. Vista and WIn 7 were fine.

  • I want to be able to click on my red or blue craft and then set a new direction by either clicking on the screen or dragging and releasing to the new heading.

    BONUS Q: Also If possible I want a smooth path. so say you click at a right angle it makes and arc, and especially so if you click behind it. So it can not just flip around.


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  • Brilliant Idea!

    Only 1 word comes to mind for improvement.
