Gropwel's Forum Posts

  • Hmm I'll go get some sleep and give this a try! But the more it looks like the arguments keep going in favor of Classic...

    thanks a bunch!

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Ah you're right, I fixed the hyperlink, should work now

    Well thanks a lot for the info,... I can finally stop searching lol!

    Looks like I'll be sticking to Classic for a while.

    But I can't help but ask another one that's been bugging me for a long time, might sound stupid but here goes; is there any way to group objects in Classic? Kinda like the layers in 2.0. So then I could move and edit the whole forest instead of picking up every tree every time?

    Odin bless you friend.

  • Enchant� Kyatric! Yeah I'm enjoying the last bit of summer here before the blizzard comes again. :P

    Yes I'm prototyping with a couple editors (virtool, unity...) and Construct seems to work best for what I need. Awesome software UI design TBH. I just installed the new version 2 so I'm a bit divided as to which one will deliver the best game in 6 months from now, but hopefully I'll find out and get back to running speed soon enough.

    I don't have a blog no, it's definitely in the list of stuff I want to start. But I enjoy the blogs of other designers like Derek Daniels or Clint Hocking.

    Honor to be here!

  • My bad. Fixed now.

    The honnor is mine sved. :)

  • I like version 1 better because it has 2 colors. If it's all blue it becomse monochrome and a little more boring to the eye. Blue is fine but I think it'd be cooler with a secondary color, like gold, or deep red...

  • Hey!

    I've been exploiting precious knowledge around these parts for quite some time and I feel it's time for me to contribute somehow.

    So yeah I'm a professionnal game designer since 2004 and work on a few titles like Tom Clancy Raindbow Six and the Prince of Persia franchise.

    My LinkedIn account

    I have no idea if it'll interest anyone but I'm currently on vacation and working quite a lot on a little project of mine so I should be avaiable for some time.

    Obviously don't ask corporate questions that you know I can't answer but I'd be happy to share some tips and tricks concerning basic game design concepts such as combat systems, good challenges and balancing, iterative prototyping, level design, planning a game story and so on...


  • so... yeah, it is still possible to load an .INI file at the start of layout? As I'm making a small RPG this would really be decisive as to which version of Construct I need...

    Thanks a lot

  • Hey guys, first of all thanks a lot already I've been browsing the ton of support already written and it helped me go a long way.

    now here's a couple questions that I just can't figure out by myself so I'm hoping you can give me a tip or two;

    1. Collisions; What's the way to make flag an object to collide? The Solid behavior seems turned off when combined to another behavior, like say Bullet.

    You can see in my .cap, I tried a lot of different ways (bullet speed, custom movement, asin, acos...) all unsuccesul. Basically I want the little baddie that's following my character to collide and slide along walls so I can use walls to stop its course (like in Earthbound).

    2. Timers; In Construct classic you could create a Wait object that you would use to count milliseconds. Now it's nowhere to be found in Construct 2 and I'm sure there is a easy way to manage delays...

    3. There are no Box objects anymore? Trigger box has to be sprites? The bunch of basic sprite drawing tools also seem to have dissapeared. How do you position hotspots/pivot points now? Just wanted to know if that stuff just moved somewhere else.

    Other than that I miss the Ctrl+P shortcut... but that's it. :)

    My cap file;

    Infinite thanks

  • No I just want to create a group of sprites, so I can move them all at once via one entity.

  • Hello, thanks for reading.

    I can't figure out how to create a group hierarchy... I would just like to take a group of sprites with different behaviors and link them togheter as a group so they all share one "hotspot" or pivot point.

    Like you would a group in 3dsmax or a component in sketchup.

    I figure this could be useful to create reusable gameplay ingredients.


  • All right thanks a lot guys!

  • Hey thanks for reading,

    How and can you get access to the code of stuff like behaviors and properties to see how they are written and eventually add your own? I've notice you can add your own attributes to objects so there must be a way to link that checkbox with something you've coded...

    And do you know of some kind of a noob chart explaning the function of every character they use (++, %, :, ([]), etc...)

    A legend if you will...

    Hey thanks a lot.

  • Ahhh cool! Fixed it thanks a lot.

  • Ah, found the "Center view on me" checkbox. I checked it with my character selected, but even that doesn't make the camera move! It just doesn't move at all... Do I need to create a camera entity or something?

    Yeah there are no " around scoutCOL, it's a typo from me...

    I don't expect to get to that level but "Fancy Pants" is my main inspiration. I'll check out the private variable possibilities.

    THanks man!

  • Hey!

    I just followed deadeye's awesome platforming tutorial but something just doesn't want to work and it's the system scroling event.

    I set an "Always (every tick)" check in my main event sheet to run "System: Scroll to X "ScoutCOL".X", ScoutCOL being my sprite with the Platform behavior, but the camera just doesn't want to follow, like it does nicely in the tutorial...

    Other than that I'm starting to get a good grasp of the basic platforming mechanisms and I'm anticipating more advanced platforming tweaks; I'd like to create new platform main character parameters/states, things like recognizing acceleration/deceleration states, landings, turnarounds, and controlling acceleration on a jump curve. I reckon those are not include in the basic package, so where should I head first? Python all the way? Scripting tips? Just a broad idea so I'm learning in the good direction.

    Hey thanks a LOT for your time.