Gropwel's Forum Posts

  • Very nice game! I like the concept very much and I think it can appeal to a lot of people, especially Nintendads. XD

    I design a few boss fights and damn they are the most complicated feature of any games I worked on, eating up months of developpement. If I can give a few advices; boss fight is in great part the art of good attack anticipation, the longer the anticipation the stroger the attack, etc, and so the player can learn patterns. THe crabs claws could brust out of the water after a small splash signal, or the big balls could fall directly on the player's last position after a short "drop shadow" signal, etc...

    Try to avoid exploits and force the player to almost constantly move. Nothing sucks more that seeing all your beautiful attack patterns totally useless when the player hangs in a particular corner of the map and keeps shooting till the boss dies.

    Your crab is big and impressive, I think it should be somehow occupying the center of the screen more often.


  • Wow very nice demo man! great potential. You have a nice variety of gameplay ingredients, tho I had to be very attentive to notice everything, they were not showcased like they deserve to be.

    I'd turn the bunny hop off personnally.

    Make sure you have a clear OCR feedback loop going on (objective, challenge, reward) this can be done by giving attack anticipation delay to your enemies so that they telegraph their intention to the player an give the player a chance to succeed the challenge, avoid being hit.

    also give clear feedback when the character is being hit, like metroid. you'll see the potential OCR much more clearly once your game can transmit the feeling of pain to the player. :D

    again, great job KUTGW!

  • oh damn there was actually a newer version of construct! sorry about that, I shouldn't stick to the update button. It's always a little stressing to overwrite your game engine ain't it? But the release looks solid.

    wow I'll be having dreams about containers and objects pairer. So in the end all the functions of a "game object" module is actually handled by all these different little modules.

    Ok, I should be able to find a way to make it work, you brought a lot of fresh ideas, thank you so much for your generosity.

  • Hmm I can't seem to be able to open your .cap with r1.2? Strange... there's a more up to date version available?

    Well it's all about parenting, to put it simply I'm looking for the method to make "game objects" in construct.

    Components, modules, ingredients, groups, classes... names vary between editors I worked with but in all cases the basic principle is having various objects parented to one entity, which is the entity I refer to when scripting, in order not to have to manage every single object individually.

    That's why I used the "Enemy" family, which looked to me like the closest thing to a class in construct.

    So not only do the enemy spawns with its visual, FX, collision box, triggers, etc, but when one enemy is activated, the game is able to identify which game object/group/module is alerted and activate only the right one, not all existing enemies in the world.

    Right now I found a way is to check if the trigger box is simultaneously overlapping the main character, and the enemy to which it belongs to. But this looks like a hack and there must be a better, more bug-proof way to do it.

    Well I hope that's clearer! :) Thanks a lot for all your help R0J0!

  • that's a neat trick!

    I'm still searching how to express a group of objects into a string... I tried many ways, (sprite1, sprite2) {sprite1; sprite2}

    But, correct me if I'm wrong, this would not "parent" the objects to one group. Like for instance, if my character steps into one enemy line of sight, all enemies would activate at once, and not just the one that saw my character.

    infinite thanks!

  • sorry, don't mean to spam but this is still giving me a lot of troubles, can't find my way around it...

    Posting new cap with the details mentionned above;

  • oh niiice now I got independant look at, thanks!

    but the spawning of object groups belonging to the "enemy" family still doesn't work properly. Each spawners seem to spawn at random one of the two objects the family includes, or neither. changes every time I restart the build.

    what would be the correct way to spawn many groups of objects and affect these groups individually in that same independant way?

    just that missing part and I can place my enemies in the levels. :D

  • Hello esteemed possessors of teh knowledge,

    I've been trying for months to demystify the notion of object parenting in classic, I've tried containers, object pairer, families and FOR loops with just no success at all.

    I've made a .cap quickly illustrating all those failed attempts and I thought maybe one of you guys could shed a light once and for all on this simple but complexe issue.

    Object parenting test

    Basically I want to spawn mobs with their own collision, visual, trigger box, etc... but this would be useful for any game objects!

    Sincerely, thank you so much!

  • I'm glad it turned out to be a valid question after all! :D I'm gaining a little of my sanity back.

    I never thought collisions were also based on overlapping. I thought that if I'm hitting a wall it was because it detected a collision.

    Cool then, I'll investigate this overlap at offset action, it looks like a simpler way to compare positions. Also it's surely more reliable than my "sensor above the head" solution.

    Thanks for the detailed help folks!

  • I thought so too so I tried in a new .cap, it looks like I created it just like you (minus the mouse behavior) then again probably not, considering it is working on your side. :P

    Have a look if you can;

    infinite thanks!

  • Hello and thanks!

    I'm a bit ashamed to ask for something that simple but it must be escaping me, I've been searching a long time and I don't know how to figure it out anymore; why aren't collision detections working when two sprites are flagged solid? All I have is;

    On collision between Sprite1 and Sprite2

    -> Destroy Sprite2

    Sprite1 has the platformer behavior. I just want to hit a block with my head and destroy it. It works when one object is not flagged solid but that kind of defeats the purpose...

    So in the meantime I placed a sensor on my character's head and all i'm using is overlapping detection, but that's a weird contraption when all I need is a collision detection from beneath the block.

    I'm lighting a candle. Thanks a lot!

  • Hello and once more thanks for reading!

    Now leaving the prototype build I started doing proper environmental sprites with proper collision masks and oddly Contruct started freezing and crashing during editing as well as doing weird things to my sprites like offsetting the collision maks (I have to recreate then from scratch) and adding a few black "dead pixels" artefacts on my sprites that I can't seem to get rid off.

    I was just wondering if those were known issues and if there is a couple wise do's and don'ts that I should take into account to reduce risks of having to rework a few hundred sprites mid project. ^^

    thank you for your time!


  • sorry for bump, thought I'd share the solution I found;

    The application V-sync framerate mode seems to be the problem. I switched it to Fixed at 60FPS, runs smoothly. Although I'm getting a warning message that direct-X doesn't like that much...

    Otherwise, I found only 1280x720 fullscreen mode runs smoothly with V-sync. Tested on 3 machines. Tough decisions! :-O

    Is fixed framerate that bad?

    PS: Sorry for multiple messages, it's a few things I need to check before launching level design full steam.

  • On the same topic, is there any known issues of construct having problem with hi res?

    After I switched to 1920x1080, I had a lagging problem. It was always occuring 3 sec after the layout was launched. I progressively deleted the whole game script, but nothing worked, same lag after 3 sec.

    Then I switch the resolution to 800 x 600 and it began to run smoothly.

    Just to know if I'm the only one or if it's a known issue.

    Infinite thanks!

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  • (frontpalm) well that must be it...!

    I pictured the fact of flagging objects global as a way to have the game objects in one basic layout then using references for building each level layouts. Old habits...

    so then I should make a copy of each objects in each layouts and not flag them global, unless I want something like a blacksmith forging a sword for me while I'm gone or something like that.

    Thank you so much, I'm going to try that right away.