Gropwel's Forum Posts

  • Thanks for reading!

    Say I got my inventory screen that I want to be able to bring up both in the navigation layout and the combat layout, how would you go about it?

    1. Put all the inventory feature assets in a Base layout, flag them global then call them individually every time you bring up the inventory in anyother layout

    2. Put them in the same "inventory" layer in every layout and make them appear when needed.

    Considering that the inventory has to be saved in a savegame.

    Thanks again!

  • Oh thanks now I can stop searching for it.

    Ya you're right about the texture size. I guess I meant using modularity to the max, like building a couple forest tiles of 256 x 256 instead of a bunch of tree objects, just for manipulation efficiency.

    My shift+click folder idea doesn't work either since you can't create more than level 1 folders hierarchy in the project tree.

  • man sometimes I just search too deep for nothing...

    now that "base" layout definitely makes sense!

    I thank you!

  • Oh BRILLIANT! Simple and beautiful.

    For question two well I guess with the solution you just gave me I could create a "Base" layout where I would create all my character, gameplay ingredients and enemies, then I would system.create them in the appropriate layout.

    You think that would work? Wonder if it would create the object as well as is behavior properties?

  • Hello!

    Pardon me if this is not the right place to post suggestions, but I was wondering about an easy way to allow group selection of objects in construct classic layout, since it doesn't have layers like version 2.

    Put your objects in a group folder in the project tree, and allow Shift+click on the folder to select them all at once. Then once selected you can move them around all at once easily in the viewport.

    Sound easy in my mind, maybe it's impossible, but I wanted to write it somewhere and plant the seed. :)

    Odin bless you all!

  • I've been looking for such a function/tool for a long time. I feel stupid too because I can't imagine how you can build a big project/levels without any mean to group/parent object via and editor tool.

    If none exist I guess building/editing your levels in photoshop is the best/only option.

    So many dash in that post... trololol

  • Good evening!

    I'm trying to figure out the data management logic in construct, before I go further in my project. I'm going to need to save/load different 3 user savegames and I'll also be switching from one layout to another quite often.

    • If say I'm using one type of arrow menu object for the entire game, how do I do it since it won't allow me to use twice the same object name even if the object is in another layout, and the events will apparently only consider object on the same layout. All assets are in the same project tree no? I had the reflex to drag and drop them in the layout from the tree.
    • Can you save and load game objects you create? Can I load my characters with their AI in different layouts or do I need to recreate them every time?

    Thanks a lot :)

  • Oh ok so you're saying RTS either goes through solid object or pathfinds its way around it. That'll have to do it's the best I've...


    Custom movement

    Every tick

    Sprite Bouce off Box (friction 0,5)

    Sprite Set speed: 100 toward Target

    Thanks guys!

  • <img src="" border="0" />

    And it was right in my face all along...

    Thanks a lot!

    When I set Pathfinding to Off or Custom, he seems to got right through solid objects... hmmm.

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  • Yo!

    Still trying to come up with a nice collision detection system for the little baddies that are running after my character, in a top view Link to the past style game.

    I'm wondering if an 8-direction behavior could be overridden with events that would enter "fake" inputs. The collision detection works so nicely with that behavior.

    Is there a way to replicate that quality of coll detection on another object like a potential enemy?

    In my .cap I tried to recalculate the position of the enemy at every tick when colliding with a box but I have no idea how to get the actual angle of the surface my baddie is colliding with, so that the baddie would "rebounce" in the right angle.

    You can see that my system works well with a vertical wall, but not at all with a horizontal wall.

    Thanks a bunch!

  • Oh right, good to know!

    damn it's gonna be a lot more work editing each asset of a level individually... I think shift+clicking a folder would be the best cheapest solution without creating anything really new, I'll try maybe making a suggestion.

    Well back to the Classic section then. Thanks !!

  • And thanks a lot for taking a look at my .cap file! I got plenty of ideas for solutions now. I'll try them using Classsic and tell you about my results.

  • Considering your question about group objects, are you talking about families ? (another tutorial about families)

    "Families" only are implemented in CC atm, not in C2 (yet).

    Hmm as I understand it families seem to be useful from an event scripting point of view. Each elements of a same family will still be selected and moved around individually in the layout editor.

    I'm looking for a basic grouping function based on parenting. There is a whole object property subsection named "Groups" I thought maybe it's the Container property, it gave a yellow outline to the "contained" objects but I failed to see any other effect. I though maybe by placing them in the same object folder in the project tree that might do the trick, maybe by shift+clicking on the folder it would select every sub files, nope...

    If there is no assets grouping function :~( I'm thinking building my levels directly into photoshop might be the way to go.

  • damn I fit perfectly. But I clash compared to other devs so the statement is not really true anymore... we're all aging! Can't look like hippies forever. :)

  • Welcome to Scirra.

    I have a general question about the industry. If someone has little to no schooling, but has a superimpressive demo as their resume', basically, would they have a chance at getting an entry-level position somewhere? If not, what if they have a reasonably successful indie title shipped?    Basically, is it possible to get a job in the industry without a degree?

    It's not impossible but it's definitely the harder way to do it. I only know of a few devs that didn't spend a good amount of time and money getting a degree, got in the biz with talent alone, but that was in another era really. I'm only assuming here but that may be something you might regret later on because study is a great investment for the future, and going to college or uni does make you learn on whole other levels like social, meeting contacts and people who share your passion, rigor, it forces you to deliver on time, experience, learn from veterans, stages, etc... it shows your commitment and it really makes a difference in the long term, it makes you more solid overall and your value as a dev just goes boom. So yeah, definitely get a degree if you're serious about it, and read lots of books all the time. :P

    One thing that's changed in the past few years is about the hiring criterias. Considering the size of dev teams nowadays, if you're looking to get in a major company I can garantee employers and HR will favor someone that will work well with production reality over someone that's just incredibly talented. I don't know if you can see the nuance here, the cost of a production mistake is so high now that they just won't go with anyone who shows potential risks like ego issues, social inadequacies or is really inexperienced with the concept of production, no matter how talented they are. So rock solid professionalism is also a huge factor, total human respect, understanding pipelines as well as the wonderful subtle world of office politic. ;)

    A scirra construct demo certainly cannot hurt. But I personally got hired and to my surprise my employer didn't even took a look at my demo! They are much more interested in who you are rather than what you do.

    So to sum up if it can help, if you can't get a degree consider showing that you are working hard like a warrior on all front for your passion (not only construct but also getting involved in a community, searching for stages, ask them to challenge you) and always looking to learn more. Relentless would be the best qualificative for the energy of a game devs and the game industry.
