Gearworkdragon's Forum Posts

  • Well can see that he use size 20,3,1 to make his array the size he need which is X size 20 Y size 3 and Z size of 1. Next to all the number is the X coor of the array so from 0 to19 is the total of 20 X coor size.

    The first x y z coor are alway 0 0 1. If he has on one number used for each most likely its just an X value coor draw a grid based on his size and plug in the value he has for each X coor and you can see how it work.

    Does this answer any question.

  • I have a few question what is the logic in getting 2 ,3 or 4 times. is it random or is it based on condition of the result of your game.

    And right you you can do function such as on end of layout do function

    and then repeat (callback variable)

    do what you want to do.

    Or you can use Timer here

    on end of layout. choose 2,3,4 for a global variable

    Start timer

    and do during timer do the action

    When timer expire substract one

    if compare two value

    First value is global variable is equal 2nd value (0) end the game

    else start timer.

    This should work if it doesnt then i do not know how you are running your game.

  • I know this seem a bit silly but have you tried something like add in behavior movement and set its input to ignore and then use if object behavior is not moving ? as in not = invert ?

    then instead of wait condition you could use timer instead such as if landed on ground start timer of 3 sec

    if it is moving stop timer.

    and once 3 sec of timer is up you win ?

    Btw the Wait condtion only does Wait for condition so that other even can run and when the time is up the wait will allow the rest to go through regaurdless if it met or not the condtional requirement.

    So Timer is your best bet if you want something like what you are asking.

    if you need help just take a look at the timer manual.

  • you could do different frames of the object with each its own object collision mask such as if you have a square object in a

    1-D world that would be fine since the camera is always from above but when doing 2-D or even isomeric where its 2.5.

    It could pose a problem so I've always ruled that its best to make several of the same frame with different collision mask to see which works the best.

    And if you want to restore the object collision back to the original you could make an invisible sprite to check to see when to turn back to the other frame with a better collision mask for your game.

    So in your case find a commonground that you can see the sprite doing and try to adjust the colliosion mask to it. Or you could disable collision until you are far enough away to resume collision. Just some trick I've learn.

  • hmm have you tried doing something like if missile is 100px away from layout edge and then sub event

    I want to say like create the indictor at the edge and then every tick its new Y position and when missile is with-in layout stop following and destroy the indicator.

    But i know that wouldn't work because you would have multiple of them and Im not sure how you would say lock each indicator to a missile without conflicting 50 other missile. Maybe using container such as instead of destroy the indicator you could simply make it invisible and when you destroy the missile you destroy its indicator ? so that when you go faster then the missile out of the screen it could reappear ?

    this is just me brainstorming possibilities.

    The hard question would be how would one code that logic without overwhelm the cpu event from re-firing when there is two different state for the missile object such as one could be in the layout and the other one on the outside at the same time.

    But yeah you can try the plug-in never used them yet.

  • well that persist works wonderfully that i forgot it exist but I knew how global layers work but was hoping that there was a way to say combine some layer into one so that it acted as a sublayer I guess z order would be the sublayer but theres no lock in place for z order ? or is that something ashley is willing to add? It would be nice if sub layering would be possible so that it could lead to better organized object and such without problem of movement of the object. I cannot tell you how many time i would accidently click on a tilemap and moved it i got so frustrated with it i just created like too many layer just to have locking in place.

    But really a object lock in position would be so wonderful. Pretty please.

    But I did go with the layout and persist and i even added in a callback to layoutname so that it would be smart about it. that actually worked out better since i didnt have to deactive the group of player anymore lol.

  • To let say on a layout that will be basically the Hud in a but I have like ten layer for it to operate on. Is there a way to pack /unpack the layout layer without globalized the ten layer Sort of like how container is like i wonder if there something like that for layers. Cause each layer is basically a dfferent inventory option and such. and some layer were just there just becauseof certain background lol .

    If it isnt possible then is it possible to go to layout n back to pretend as if a Hud like layer was used. And how Would I "freeze" the game layout so that when going to this inventory layout i can return to the prievious layout without doing the old onstart layout being trigger.

    I assume that a global variable for each on start layout event in order to control it?

    the reason why i am asking this is because I imagine having multiple game layout and one multi-layer inventory layout and i really dont want to recreate layer over n over n over n over for each new layout just for the multi-layer inventory. And yes the inventory will take up the whole screen

  • im just curious how come there isnt a check if boolean with drop down true,false. I know it seem crazy to have two of the same thing but wouldnt it make events more clear.

  • you could, it just a demo to show the dice roll and how it would work and if memory serve me right The different in the two is that the Random has like a billion number to choose from since it will use 1.989+ while choose would just use ten possible outcome. Which I find it more controllable.

    Cause there is times when i need that one number to appear to know what the possible of chances when they will arrive at there......I never got close to a number or it would be too few or it would act the other way where it would choose nothing but 3.5 3.2 3.1 ...

    which made me go nuts because the number was for the item and the event selector.... So yeah random does work good if it a non important value like gold or resource then it doesn't matter if you need certain probability to happen.

    like for instance let say you need a flame enchant to deal blast damg but at a 10% chance

    the Choose would give better result then random because sometime you never reach to the desire number only because the random thinks it giving a different but its doing dances around it like a silly orc but choose merely limit which number it has access to.

    You could if you still want to use random to make rare to appear to happen rather then pure luck you could for every non rare obtain you can lower the max value to a point lower to reduce the billion number it has to choose all teh way down to 1 so that the rare would spawn so that it show to exist rather then never obtain it. or least is what ive observe when using the two , choose and random mod.

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  • One thing id like to point out if say if two of the item are either common found item or super mega rare. you could in theory do this choose(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)

    and have it compare like if chosen number is less then or equal to 9 use common

    if it did choose 10 then use super mega rare

    The choose just simple roll the dice of ten number while random uses likes 1.83434239472893472347 and 2.8409804854 number and the Int just whack off the .83434239472893472347 number

    And keep in mind that the Int will alway return the value as a positive so if you need a negative number dont use "int".

  • Ok ive narrow down after learning some weird controls but that might just be Indonesian keyboard which i do not have

    You need to rethink how to do the select character because using animation like that isn't the way to to go especially when you want to add a another color player. If i were you id also redo the character as well you have a system where its going to work only in one way never the other way. since your character is near the same thing have you consider doing something like player one character to have both red n blue and the same for player two. and then just have it use what ever frame that the player uses. And have it on start to compare the chosen selection to the character to the frame.

    Or you could create the new character to a frame and pin it to an invisible player sprite and run the rest of pin picking its up to you but using animation like that isnt very smart. If you dont plan on expanding it having two or more player.

    This is a messy way to go about the selection but i did play your game its is a nifty little game.

  • One thing i need to tell you that you should start naming the loops and 2nd can you just place a sprite that would just hold variable and place the loopindex onto it and then use that variable for the parameter? And also I thought that loopindex only work within the loops since loops are dynamically always changing never static.

  • Yeah the reason why window mode and then fullscreen is to see if the game works sometime games can not work and do an infinite loop of doom to people computer. I had one demo to completely lock up the computer only because i couldnt task manager end it quickly.

  • I think what he want is something like when level 1 is loading have a level 1 specific level and then a level 2 specific loading screen.

    I get what he want. He doesnt want a universal load screen but a unique one to for each level but yeah id do it in layer but wouldnt that defeat the purpose of having it on the layout since it will default back to the project univeral loader. I wonder if there a custom script that you can add to contruct that would allow such thing.

  • you could do set X at a constant rate and then set Y at the object Y ?

    If you want a bottom too just do the same except reverse. ? would that help ?