To let say on a layout that will be basically the Hud in a but I have like ten layer for it to operate on. Is there a way to pack /unpack the layout layer without globalized the ten layer Sort of like how container is like i wonder if there something like that for layers. Cause each layer is basically a dfferent inventory option and such. and some layer were just there just becauseof certain background lol .
If it isnt possible then is it possible to go to layout n back to pretend as if a Hud like layer was used. And how Would I "freeze" the game layout so that when going to this inventory layout i can return to the prievious layout without doing the old onstart layout being trigger.
I assume that a global variable for each on start layout event in order to control it?
the reason why i am asking this is because I imagine having multiple game layout and one multi-layer inventory layout and i really dont want to recreate layer over n over n over n over for each new layout just for the multi-layer inventory. And yes the inventory will take up the whole screen